Low Testosterone from Pain Pills by Jeffrey Dach MD

Hormone Disruption From Pain Pills

Low Testosterone From Pain Pills by Jeffrey Dach MD Joe has chronic fatigue, weakness, and erectile dysfunction. He was doing well until 10 years ago when he started pain pills after a car accident which left him with chronic back pain.  Left image: … Continue reading

Testosterone for Dry Eye Syndrome

Testosterone for Dry Eye Syndrome by Jeffrey Dach MD Mrs. B was 58 years old with typical menopausal symptoms of night sweats and hot flashes, and came to see me because of dry itchy, red eyes.  The lids sometimes swell because … Continue reading

Safety of Bioidentical Hormones

Why Bioidentical Hormones Are Safer Than Synthetic

Safety of Bioidentical Hormones Are Women’s Bio-identical hormones Safe? by Jeffrey Dach MD Bio-identical hormones exist naturally in the human body, so it is axiomatic that these are safe. However, we are interested in a slightly different question. What is … Continue reading

Lexapro for Hot Flashes, Medical Victimization or Joke?

Lexapro for Hot Flashes, Medical Victimization or Joke?

Lexapro for Hot Flashes – Medical Victimization or a Joke? by Jeffrey Dach MD A JAMA study by Ellen W Freeman shows that Lexapro is “marginally” more effective than placebo for Hot Flashes.  This is laughable, and surely you must be joking?  The authors … Continue reading

Lipitor and The Dracula of Modern Technology

Lipitor and The Dracula of Modern Technology

Lipitor and The Dracula of Modern Technology by Jeffrey Dach MD Perhaps you have seen the Direct-to-Consumer TV and print advertisements with Robert Jarvik, the inventor of the Jarvik Heart, speaking on behalf of the Pfizer’s anti-cholesterol drug, Lipitor.  With … Continue reading