Hormone Therapy Increases Breast Cancer Says JAMA Study

Hormone Therapy Increases Breast Cancer Says JAMA Study by Jeffrey Dach MD Synthetic Progestin Found to Cause Breast Cancer A new study published in the October 2010 issue of Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reviewed 11 years of … Continue reading

NSAIDS, Small Bowel and Leaky Gut

NSAIDS, Small Bowel and Leaky Gut  by Jeffrey Dach MD Sarah has a PhD degree in Nursing and works on a medical team  in a University Medical Center.   She arrives in my office with complaints of chronic fatigue and … Continue reading

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Arthritis Pain

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Arthritis Pain

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Arthritis Pain by Jeffrey Dach M.D. The NIH GAIT Study (1)(2) As usual, the New York Times and the rest of the media got the story wrong.(4)    Rather than being ineffective, as the media concluded about … Continue reading

Remembering Interventional Radiology Days

Remembering Interventional Radiology Days

Remembering Interventional Radiology Days by Jeffrey Dach MD Above Image shows me in 2001, wearing a sterile surgical gown performing a percutaneous nephrostomy in the Interventional Radiology Suite. Note the plexiglass radiation shield suspended above the patient on the right, … Continue reading

The Importance of the Pelvic Sonogram

The Importance of the Pelvic Sonogram by Jeffrey Dach MD A 56 year old female patient had an episode of abnormal post-menopausal vaginal bleeding for which a pelvic sonogram was recommended. The sonogram showed a cystic swiss cheese appearance of … Continue reading