Video Presentation: Natural Thyroid Toolkit Video Series Production of Thyroid Hormones, Molecular Biology and Pathophysiology by Jeffrey Dach MD: Click Here
PowerPoint Slides (pdf file)
Natural Thyroid Toolkit Part One: Production of Thyroid Hormones Molecular Biology and Pathophysiology, Click Here for slides: Natural Thyroid Toolkit SLIDES Donna White C3
Thyroid Articles
Adrenal Fatigue and HPA Dysfunction Part Two
Ann Nicole Smith and Hypothyroidism
Alum Jax Cole Thyroid Cancer Epidemic of OverDiagnosis
Antonio Bianco TSH Inadequate for Thyroid Dosing
Autonomous Thyroid Nodule Part Two
Cardiomyopathy Reversed by Thyroid Pills
Chronic Fatigue, The Non-Mystery
David Brownstein MD on Thyroid Health and Iodine
Errors in Modern Thyroid Endocrinology
Errors in Modern Thyroid Endccrinology Case Report – Toxic Nodular Goiter
Finding the Right Thyroid Doctor
Following Thyroid Nodules with Ultrasound
Hair Loss from Low thyroid or Hair Loss from Low Stomach Acid
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Caused by H. Pylori Infection
Gigi Hadid and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
Graves Remission with Iodine Case report
Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Manic Depression, Psychosis and Psychiatric Manifestations
Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Selenium Part One
Hashimotos, Selenium and Iodine, Part Two
Hashimotos Thyroid Disease and Molecular Mimicry
Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Selenium Part One
Hashimotos Selenium and Iodine Part Two
Hashimotos and Iodine Part Three
Hillary Clinton takes Natural Dessicated Thyroid
Hyperthyroidism from Autonomous Thyroid Nodule
Hypothyroid -Low thyroid and Risk for Infection
Iodine and Bromine Detox With Unrefined Salt
Iodine and Unrefined Sea Salt Part two
Iodine and Hashimotos Thyroid Disease
Iodine at the Health Food Store
Iodine Induced Hyperthyroidism
Iodine Treats Breast Cancer, Overwhelming Evidence
Iodine and Breast Cancer Prevention
Low Thyroid Hashimotos and Pregnancy
Low Dose Naltrexone for Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
Making smarter Children with Maternal iodine Supplementation
Myoinositol for PCOS and Hashimotos Part One
MyoInositol for Hashimotos Part Two
Natural Thyroid is Better part Two
New Book, stop the Thyroid Madness II
New Study Shows Natural Thyroid is Better
Online Information for HAshimotos Disease
Paradigm Shift from Levothyroxine to Combination T3 T4
Production of Thyroid Hormone Part Two
Myo-Inositol for PCOS and Hashimotos
Myo-Inositol for Hashimotos Part Two
Reverse T3, Helpful or Waste of Time?
Selenium and the Thyroid More Good News
Stop the Thyroid Madness Vol 2
Ten Reasons You Have a Low Thyroid Condition
The TSH Reference Range Wars – Part One
The Strange Case of the Autonomous Thyroid Nodule
Thyroid Pills Prevent Heart Attacks (hunt Study)
The Non-Mystery of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
TSH Suppression Benefits and Adverse Effects
Unexplained Infertility Linked to Low Thyroid Function
Which Thyroid is Best, Natural Synthetic or Combination?
Why Natural Thyroid is Better than Synthetic Part One
Why Natural Thyroid is Better Part Two
Wheat Gluten Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease, PArt Four
Wheat gluten Sensitivity part two
Natural Thyroid Toolkit
If you liked this article, you might like my new book, Natural Thyroid Toolkit available on Amazon. If you purchase a book, remember to leave a favorable review. That would be much appreciated. See the book cover, left image.
Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road, Suite 180
Davie, Fl 33314
Hi Dr. Dach.
I want to know if you recomend naturethroid for pregnancy and how exactly must it be measured, and how often? I recently miscarried on naturethroid where my natural dr. failed to manage my thyroid in a timely fashion. My regular Dr. said she would monitor me on naturethroid by simply testing my TSH. is that enough? My OB says I should go back on synthroid for pregnancy, where I delivered healthy children in the past. I am unsure! thanks
Hi Chana
Normal Pregnant Women May Have a Suppressed TSH
During pregnancy, HCG levels rise to very high levels, and there is associated suppression of TSH, not indicative of a hyperthyroid state. “In up to 10–20% of normal pregnant women, serum TSH concentrations are transiently low or undetectable.” (26) Suppression of TSH during the first trimester is due to elevated HCG.(Brotherton 1990). “This suppression of maternal pituitary TSH levels during pregnancy was considered to be due to the central feedback inhibitory thyrotrophic activity of HCG,”
see my article on this topic.
regards from jeffrey dach md
Low Thyroid, Hashimotos and Pregnancy
I have been on thyroid medication for the past 35 years.,getting off of Synthroid 25 years ago thankfully, then the old Armour seemed good before it changed and had fillers added. My compounded thyroid isn’t keeping my levels stable for the past five years, so my new holistic MD is trying Nature-Throid now, I’ve been on it for ten days, and not feeling great at all. I was on 168mgs of compounded thyroid, I am now taking two grains of Nature thyroid, so I’m not sure if it’s enough or my doctor needs to dose me equivalent to the 168mgs compounded? I did not know there is magnesium stearate and proethylene glycol in the Nature-Throid so I’m not happy about these toxic binders really. I’ve read too much about how toxic they are to our organs. I have very little left of my thyroid gland after having a thyroid storm at age 19, RAI, then went hypo of course,so I’m always hypo and hyper, rarely stay stable for too long. Any suggestions for me at this point or so I need to give Nature-Throid more time? I may have my doctor switch to one thagvis purer though, not liking the ingredients.
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