The Fear of Estrogen Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD

The Fear of Estrogen Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD In part one of this series, we discussed how fear of estrogen is one of the errors of modern medicine, causing increased mortality and suffering in large numbers of menopausal … Continue reading

Menopausal Hormone Replacement Health Benefits

Menopausal Hormone Replacement Health Benefits Susan is a 54 year old accountant suffering from many diverse health problems, such as vague aches and pains in the muscles and joints, difficulty remembering things or finding words, insomnia, dry skin and hair, … Continue reading

Metformin Repurposed Anti-Cancer Drug

Metformin_500mg_Tablets_Jeffrey Dach MD

Metformin Repurposed Anti-Cancer Drug Metformin, FDA approved in 1994,  is known as “the Good Anti-Diabetic Drug” , taken by 150 million people worldwide for control of blood sugar in Type Two Diabetes.(57)  Remarkably, metformin is also an anti-cancer drug.  In … Continue reading

Preventing Coronary Artery Disease with Bioidentical Hormones

Preventing Coronary Artery Disease with Bioidentical Hormones by Jeffrey Dach MD The “U-Turn” on Estrogen and Heart Disease Note: the latest version of this article can be found here. Medical science has done a “U-Turn” on estrogen and coronary heart … Continue reading

Why Bioidentical Hormones Are Safer Than Synthetic

Why Bioidentical Hormones Are Safer Than Synthetic

Why Bioidentical Hormones Are Safer Than Synthetic by Jeffrey Dach MD Bio-identical hormones exist naturally in the human body, so it is axiomatic that these are safe. However, we are interested in a slightly different question. What is the safety … Continue reading

Misuse of Birth Control Pills Abuse of Women Part Two

birth control pills OCP adverse effects

Misuse of Birth Control Pills, Abuse of Women Part Two Sally is a 21 year old college student who comes into the office with her mother complaining of multiple complicated health problems over five years  including headache, weight gain, postural … Continue reading

More Lies about Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical Hormones

More Lies about Bioidentical Hormones by Jeffrey Dach MD Bioidentical Hormones are under attack again from Medscape, an online medical information site funded by the major drug companies. In spite of all the “Guidelines” created by medical organizations advising women … Continue reading