Measles Autism and Vaccination in Somalis in Minnesota

Measles MMR Vaccination Arm

Measles Autism and Vaccination in Somalis in Minnesota A recent outbreak of measles in the Somali community in Minnesota has the main stream media riled up, blaming anti-vaccination activists.  There is so much rancor on this topic,  a Boston Herald … Continue reading

Making Smarter Children With Maternal Iodine Supplements


Making Smarter Children With Maternal Iodine Supplements A Young Mom WIth Hashimotos Thyroiditis Christina is a 32 year old mom with Hashimotos Thyroiditis. Unfortunately, the autoimmune thyroid disease has damaged her thyroid gland and slowed thyroid function. Her lab panel revealed … Continue reading

Safety of Bioidentical Hormones

Why Bioidentical Hormones Are Safer Than Synthetic

Safety of Bioidentical Hormones Are Women’s Bio-identical hormones Safe? by Jeffrey Dach MD Bio-identical hormones exist naturally in the human body, so it is axiomatic that these are safe. However, we are interested in a slightly different question. What is … Continue reading

Graves Remission with Iodine Case Report by Jeffrey Dach MD

Graves’ Hyperthyroidism Remission with Iodine Case Report by Jeffrey Dach MD Carol is a 56 year old real estate agent who noticed a feeling of nervousness, warmth and rapid heart rate which worsened over a few days.  Carol called a … Continue reading

Iodine Prevents Breast Cancer Part Two Jeffrey Dach MD

breast cancer needle localization specimen

Iodine Prevents Breast Cancer Part Two Jeffrey Dach MD Iodine May be Useful as Adjunct Treatment of Breast Cancer, the Overwhelming Evidence This article is Part Two of a series. For Part One Click Here. Spontaneous Regression of Breast Cancer … Continue reading