Reverse T3 Helpful or Waste of Time?

Reverse T3, Helpful, or Waste of Time? by Jeffrey Dach MD Linda is a stay at home mom sitting in my office with Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroid disease with typical symptoms of fatigue, hair loss, weight gain and “foggy brain” despite … Continue reading

Restoring Fertility with Thyroid Medication

mother with baby

Restoring Fertility with Thyroid Medication by Jeffrey Dach MD Today is a happy day for Susan. She just delivered a healthy baby girl, and sent me a cute baby photo with a thank you note.  Twelve months before, Susan was … Continue reading

Antonio Bianco TSH Inadequate for Levothyroxine Dosing

Dr Antonio Bianco Rattles a Few Cages in Mainstream Endocrinology Dr Antonio Bianco asks a very important question, “Does a normal serum TSH indicate adequate treatment in patients given levothyroxine (T4-only) medication?” His answer, published in the Oct 2016 Endocrinology … Continue reading

Hyperthyroidism from Autonomous Thyroid Nodule

Autonomous thyroid nodule Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism from Autonomous Thyroid Nodule Iodine Induced Hyperthyroidism by Jeffrey Dach MD Brenda, a young woman from “the islands”  came in for a routine lab evaluation.  Her spot urine test for iodine  came back, “zero”, indicating iodine deficiency.   Brenda was … Continue reading

TSH Suppression Benefits and Adverse Effects

Thyroid TSH Suppression DIffuse Goiter Jeffrey Dach MD

TSH Suppression Benefits and Adverse Effects by Jeffrey Dach MD At a recent medical meeting I attended, “the danger of TSH suppression” was mentioned.  The listening audience of doctors was advised not to suppress TSH with thyroid medication.  We were … Continue reading

COPD Natural Treatments

COPD Natural Treatments

COPD Natural Treatments by Jeffrey Dach MD Sally was a 65 year old retired secretary, and heavy smoker.  She smoked a pack a day for the past 50 years.   She has been short of breath lately and coughing up copious … Continue reading

Making Smarter Children With Maternal Iodine Supplements


Making Smarter Children With Maternal Iodine Supplements A Young Mom WIth Hashimotos Thyroiditis Christina is a 32 year old mom with Hashimotos Thyroiditis. Unfortunately, the autoimmune thyroid disease has damaged her thyroid gland and slowed thyroid function. Her lab panel revealed … Continue reading