Tylenol Acetaminophen Liver Toxicity by Jeffrey Dach MD

Tylenol Acetaminophen Liver Toxicity by Jeffrey Dach MD

Tylenol Acetaminophen Liver Toxicity by Jeffrey Dach MD Rebecca is a 46 year old CEO of a large manufacturing company and arrives in my office with a chief complaint of low back pain for which she takes Extra Strength Tylenol … Continue reading

Artemisinin our Ultimate Cancer Weapon a Gift from China

Artemisinin our Ultimate Cancer Weapon a Gift from China by Jeffrey Dach MD Beating Colon Cancer with Artemisinin Susan, a 56 year old house wife, noticed abdominal pain and change in bowel habits.  An X- Ray test revealed Susan has … Continue reading

Lithium Orotate NeuroProtection Part Two

Lithium Orotate NeuroProtection Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD In part one, we discussed the differences between lithium carbonate, a prescription psychiatric drug, and a different version called lithium orotate.  Unlike lithium carbonate, the lithium orotate is a safe nutritional … Continue reading

Philippines Supreme Court Bans GMO Genetically Modified Food


Phillines Supreme Court Bans GMO Genetically Modified Food by Jeffrey Dach MD In a major victory for the people against evil GMO corporations like Monsanto, the Phillipines Supreme Court ruling effectively banned GMO food from the Phillipine Islands.(1-2)  GMO food … Continue reading