Aluminum in Vaccines Cause Autism

Aluminum in Vaccines Cause Autism

Disaster Medicine in America by Jeffrey Dach MD

The most alarming public health issue is the relentless increasing autism epidemic. New Jersey reports 1 in 34 children, and about 5 percent of Eight-Year-Old boys affected as of 2014.(10)  If this rate continues, half of all children born in 2025 will be autistic according to Stephanie Seneff PhD.(11)

Above image vaccine courtesy of wikimedia commons. Vial and syringe used for vaccination at the Science Museum, London.Date 5 January 2024, Source Own work Author The wub. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

What is Causing the Epidemic ?

Our government health agencies, academic medicine and public health institutions have been silent on this question of what is causing the autism epidemic.  They merely shrug their shoulders and say “we don’t know “, quickly adding, “It is certainly not vaccines“.

It IS The Vaccines – Aluminum Adjutants in Vaccines Cause  Autism

We now have 5 years of medical research, mostly from outside the United States, incriminating aluminum adjuvants in vaccines as the SOLE cause of autism epidemic.  JB Handley does a nice job laying out the argument and summarizing this research.(3)  He uses the web site, Vaccine Papers, as a good source for the documentation.(4)  Many others have raised the red flag on aluminum adjuvants.(1-2)(31)

Aluminum VAccine Autism BrainVery High Aluminum Levels in Autistic Brains

Revelations about aluminum neuro-toxicity have been made even more urgent by the findings of Dr Christpher Exley who found extremely high aluminum content in post mortem brains of autistic individuals.  (5-8)  Left Image Aluminum Foil courtesy of Wikimedia commons.

Plausible Mechanism Has Been Discovered

Aluminum at the vaccine injection site is taken up by macrophages which travel to the brain causing micro-glial activation, inflammation and immune activation with increased IL-6 cytokine levels, and impaired neuro development, leading to many of the symptoms of autism in animal models.(12-30)

Studies on Aluminum Adjuvant Safety – Using Aluminum in the Placebo

The “authorities” have told us repeatedly that vaccines are safe, and the science is settled. You might then ask the obvious question, ” Where is the data on studies showing the safety of vaccine aluminum adjuvants“?  The correct answer is: “There are no suitable safety studies.” (16)  The FDA merely ASSUMED aluminum adjuvants to be safe.  It appears the FDA is very good at assuming things.  Another outrageous gimmick is the use of aluminum adjuvants in the placebos used in trials for FDA approval.(36)  In these studies, half the patients are injected with the vaccine and the other half are injected with placebo, and the number of adverse reactions are reported.  A placebo should contain inert sugar water, not an immunotoxic aluminum adjuvant.(36)  This simple ploy allows the immunotoxicity of the aluminum adjuvant to be ignored.(24-25)

The American Disaster

The increasing epidemic of autism in children is the new American Disaster.  The “authorities”, the medical societies, the government and the drug makers,  are in denial and are dragging their feet because of the huge amounts of money at stake.  The truth is that our increasing numbers of vaccines, many of which contain aluminum adjuvants and mercury preservatives  are creating the autism epidemic and the American Disaster.

Update Dec 2019Aluminium Adjuvants in Vaccines: Missing Information Professor Chris Exley | 2nd December 2019 Hippocratic Post

Conclusion:  Recent medical research makes a strong case for neuro-toxicity of aluminum adjuvants as the  cause of our autism epidemic, the new American Disaster.  The din of silence in the media has been quite remarkable.  Nothing will change unless you get involved and bring about change.  Print out this article and send it to all your friends, congressmen, doctors, and family members.  It is time for the din of silence to become a deafening roar that cannot be ignored.

Videos of Physicians Who Speak Out About Vaccines:
Doctors & Scientists Speak Out About Vaccines

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References and links:

Book on Amazon: How to End the Autism Epidemic – September 19, 2018 by J.B. Handley

Kawahara, Masahiro, Ken-ichiro Tanaka, and Midori Kato-Negishi. “Neurotoxicity of aluminum and its link to neurodegenerative diseases.” Metallomics Research 1.1 (2021): rev-47.

Boretti, Alberto. “Reviewing the association between aluminum adjuvants in the vaccines and autism spectrum disorder.” Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 66 (2021): 126764.

1)  Aluminum in Vaccines: What Everyone Needs to Know May 7, 2018 By Kendall Nelson Weston Price.

2)  Miller, N. “Aluminum in childhood vaccines is Unsafe.” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 21.4 (2016): 109-117. Aluminum in childhood vaccines is Unsafe Miller N J Amer Physicians Surgeons 2016

3)  International scientists have found autism’s cause. What will Americans do?
BY J.B. HANDLEY April 2, 2018

“there’s an ongoing, permanent immune-system activation in the brains of autistic people.”
Discovery #1: “Maternal Immune Activation” can cause autism
Discovery #1: Immune Activation from the Cytokine Interleukin-6

While Dr. Pardo and colleagues were the first to find this “microglial activation” in the brain of children with autism, this finding has now been replicated many times, here’s a study from Japan in 2013 finding the same thing:

“Maternal infection during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia and autism in the offspring. Supporting this correlation, experimentally activating the maternal immune system during pregnancy in rodents produces offspring with abnormal brain and behavioral development. We have developed a nonhuman primate model to bridge the gap between clinical populations and rodent models of maternal immune activation (MIA).”

“In summary, our study supports a critical role of IL-6 elevation in modulating autism-like behaviors through impairments on synapse formation, dendritic spine development, as well as on neuronal circuit balance. These findings suggest that manipulation of IL-6 may be a promising avenue for therapeutic interventions.”

Discovery #2: Aluminum Adjuvant causes immune activation and is far more neurotoxic than previously thought

“Concerns about its [aluminum adjuvant’s] safety emerged following recognition of its unexpectedly long-lasting biopersistence within immune cells in some individuals, and reports of chronic fatigue syndrome, cognitive dysfunction, myalgia, dysautonomia and autoimmune/inflammatory features temporally linked to multiple Al-containing vaccine administrations.”

Discovery #3: Aluminum can increase IL-6 in the brain

Discovery #4: Hepatitis B vaccine induces IL-6 in postnatal rats
The Hep B vaccine rats, however, showed the kind of immune activation event we are seeing in autism (high IL-6) This is biological proof of the link between a vaccine — given to a post-natal animal — inducing an immune activation event, including the cytokine marker for autism, IL-6. A scientific first.

Discovery #5: High levels of aluminum in autism brains

No vaccine containing aluminum adjuvant has ever been explored for its relationship to autism, despite a growing and clear body of evidence implicating aluminum adjuvant in causing “immune activation,” the central cause of autism.

Will we look back one day and say that aluminum adjuvant caused the autism epidemic the way we say that Thalidomide triggered birth defects? I think we will, but that’s just my opinion.


4) Vaccine Papers Is Anonymous

Aluminum Adjuvant Toxicity
It is now known that aluminum adjuvants are not safely eliminated from the body, as assumed by vaccine advocates. Rather, they are taken up by immune system cells (macrophages) and transported around the body, including into the brain. Aluminum adjuvant can cause brain injury and autoimmune diseases.

Immune Activation Brain Injury
Human brain development is controlled by immune-system signals (i.e. “cytokines”). Activation of the immune system during brain development causes disruptions in these signals, resulting in permanent brain injury. The injury manifests as autism, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Adverse vaccine reactions are proven to stimulate a cytokine (interleukin-6) proven to cause autism. There is a large amount of research on this, by many laboratories around the world, but the connection to vaccines is being overlooked.

Aluminum and Immune Activation
Aluminum and immune activation are connected, because aluminum triggers immune activation, and interleukin-6 specifically. Aluminum stimulates IL-6 in the brain. Aluminum also stimulates Th2 activation, a type of immune activation shown to impair brain development in animal studies. So the issues of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and immune activation are connected.


free pdf

5) Mold, Matthew, et al. “Aluminium in brain tissue in autism.” Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 46 (2018): 76-82. Aluminium in brain tissue in autism Mold Matthew Christopher Exley Journal Trace Elements 2018

6) Professor Chris Exley | 30th November 2017 | Infection/Disease, Innovation, Mental Health, Neurology, Hippocratic Post

7)  ‘Perhaps we now have the link between vaccination and autism’: Professor reveals aluminium in jabs may cause sufferers to have up 10 times more of the metal in their brains than is safe

Aluminium crosses the membrane that separates the brain from blood
The metal accumulates in cells that maintain a constant internal environment
Autism sufferers may have genetic changes that cause them to hold aluminium
Disgraced doctor Andrew Wakefield linked autism to the MMR vaccine in 1995
His views are widely discredited, but the WHO says vaccine fears put many off

By Professor Chris Exley For The Hippocratic Post and Alexandra Thompson Health Reporter For Mailonline

Published: 11:03 EDT, 30 November 2017 | Updated: 11:56 EDT, 3 December 2017

8)  Autism and aluminium: The din of silence.  Professor Chris Exley | 14th January 2018


9) Lyons-Weiler, James, and Robert Ricketson. “Reconsideration of the immunotherapeutic pediatric safe dose levels of aluminum.” Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 48 (2018): 67-73. Reconsideration of the immunotherapeutic pediatric safe dose levels of aluminum LyonsWeiler Ricketson J Trace Elem Med Biology 2018

While the effect of our proposed reduction on the final antigenicity of the vaccine is unknown, the full effects of the high injected doses of aluminum on the developing brain are also unknown. Indications of accumulation of aluminum associated with autism were recently published [42] in which the majority of tissue samples from post-mortem brains of patients diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were found to contain high concentrations of aluminum. Many samples  contained extremely high concentrations, and the study also localized aluminum in glial cells in the brain, consistent with aluminum-induced gliosis models of neurodevelopmental disorders.

10) Autism rates in NJ are the highest in the US, have tripled recently Lindy Washburn, Staff Writer April 26, 2018

11) Stephanie Seneff Autism calculations

12)  Wei, Hongen, et al. “Brain IL-6 elevation causes neuronal circuitry imbalances and mediates autism-like behaviors.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease 1822.6 (2012): 831-842
“Here we show that mice with elevated IL-6 in the brain display many autistic features, including impaired cognitive abilities, deficits in learning, abnormal anxiety traits and habituations, as well as decreased social interactions. IL-6 elevation caused alterations in excitatory and inhibitory synaptic formations and disrupted the balance of excitatory/inhibitory synaptic transmissions. IL-6 elevation also resulted in an abnormal change in the shape, length and distributing pattern of dendritic spines. These findings suggest that IL-6 elevation in the brain could mediate autistic-like behaviors, possibly through the imbalances of neural circuitry and impairments of synaptic plasticity.”

13) Tomljenovic, Lucija, and C. A. Shaw. “Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations.” Lupus 21.2 (2012): 223-230.

14) Tomljenovic, Lucija, and Christopher A. Shaw. “Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?.” Journal of inorganic biochemistry 105.11 (2011): 1489-1499.

15) Couette, Maryline, et al. “Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide is associated with chronic cognitive dysfunction.” Journal of inorganic biochemistry 103.11 (2009): 1571-1578.

16) Tomljenovic, L., and C. A Shaw. “Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?.” Current medicinal chemistry 18.17 (2011): 2630-2637.  Aluminum vaccine adjuvants are they safe Tomljenovic Shaw Cur med chem 2011

17) Shaw, Christopher A., and Michael S. Petrik. “Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration.” Journal of inorganic biochemistry 103.11 (2009): 1555-1562.

18) Exley, Christopher, et al. “A role for the body burden of aluminium in vaccine-associated macrophagic myofasciitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.” Medical hypotheses 72.2 (2009): 135-139.

19) Agmon-Levin, N., G. R. V. Hughes, and Y. Shoenfeld. “The spectrum of ASIA:‘Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) Syndrome induced by Adjuvants’.” (2012): 118-120.

20) Luján, Lluís, et al. “Autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA syndrome) in commercial sheep.” Immunologic research 56.2-3 (2013): 317-324.

21)  deleted

22) Shaw, C. A., and L. Tomljenovic. “Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity.” Immunologic research 56.2-3 (2013): 304-316.

23) Israeli, Eitan, et al. “Adjuvants and autoimmunity.” Lupus 18.13 (2009): 1217-1225.

24) Safety studies of aluminum in vaccines lack immunotoxicity analysis of this immunological adjuvant: Ignorance or deception? Safety studies of aluminum in vaccines lack immunotoxicity Vinu Dec 2017

25) Ignoring immunotoxicity of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines, won’t make it go away 05 April 2018 Vinu Arumugham BMJ 2018;360:k1378

26)  Comprehensive Guide to Autism pp 1585-1609 | Cite as Autism Spectrum Disorders and Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants Lucija Tomljenovic Russell L. Blaylock Christopher A. Shaw

27) Gherardi, Romain Kroum, et al. “Biopersistence and brain translocation of aluminum adjuvants of vaccines.” Frontiers in neurology 6 (2015): 4.

28) Crépeaux, Guillemette, et al. “Highly delayed systemic translocation of aluminum-based adjuvant in CD1 mice following intramuscular injections.” Journal of inorganic biochemistry 152 (2015): 199-205.

29) Gherardi, Romain K., Josette Cadusseau, and François‐Jérôme Authier. “Aluminum Particle Biopersistence, Systemic Transport, and Long‐Term Safety: Macrophagic Myofasciitis and Beyond.” Vaccines and Autoimmunity. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015. 261-270.

30) Shaw, C. A., Y. Li, and L. Tomljenovic. “Administration of aluminium to neonatal mice in vaccine-relevant amounts is associated with adverse long term neurological outcomes.” Journal of inorganic biochemistry 128 (2013): 237-244. Aluminium neonatal mice associated with adverse neurological outcomes Shaw Tomljenovic J inorg biochem 2013

31) Autism & Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines Informed Consent Action Network
How Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines Can Cause Autism Published: August 18, 2017 Autism-and-aluminum-adjuvants-in-vaccines

32) Vaccination-A-Mythical-History-by-Roman-Bystrianyk-and-Suzanne-Humphries-MD Vaccination A Mythical History by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries MD

33) Inbar, Rotem, et al. “WITHDRAWN: Behavioral abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil.” Vaccine (2016).

34) Retracted: Li, D., et al. “Subcutaneous injections of aluminum at vaccine adjuvant levels activate innate immune genes in mouse brain that are homologous with biomarkers of autism.” Journal of inorganic biochemistry 177 (2017): 39.

35) Vaccines and Neuroinflammation Giannotta G and Giannotta N Review: Int J Pub Health Safe 2018, 3:163 Vaccines and Neuroinflammation Giannotta Int J Pub Health Safe 2018

36) Tomljenovic, L., and C. A Shaw. “Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?.” Current medicinal chemistry 18.17 (2011): 2630-2637. Aluminum vaccine adjuvants are they safe Tomljenovic Shaw Current medicinal chemistry 2011

Additionally, for the purpose of evaluating safety and efficacy, vaccine clinical trials often use an aluminium-containing placebo, either containing the same or greater amount of aluminum as the test vaccine [48-51]. Without exception, these trials report a comparable rate of adverse reactions between the placebo and the vaccine group (for example, 63.7% vs 65.3% of systemic events and 1.7% vs 1.8% of serious adverse events respectively [51]).
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a placebo is “an inactive pill, liquid, or powder that has no treatment value” [52]. The well-established neurotoxic properties of aluminium (Table 1) therefore suggest that aluminum cannot
constitute as a valid placebo.

37) Granulomas Following Subcutaneous Injection With Aluminum Adjuvant-Containing Products in Sheep.  Javier Asín, Jéssica Molín, Marta Pérez, …First Published October 31, 2018  Veterinary Patyhology  Granulomas Following Injection Aluminum Adjuvant in Sheep Javier Asín 2018 Veterinary Patyhology

Scanning transmission electron microscopy demonstrated aggregates of Al within macrophages in vaccine and adjuvant-only groups. In these two groups, Al-based adjuvants induce persistent, sterile, subcutaneous granulomas with macrophage-driven translocation of Al to regional lymph nodes. Local translocation of Al may induce further accumulation in distant tissues and be related to the appearance of systemic signs.

38) 157 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link. Scribd Uploaded by Ginger Taylor

39) Ewing, Graham E. “What is regressive autism and why does it occur? Is it the consequence of multi-systemic dysfunction affecting the elimination of heavy metals and the ability to regulate neural temperature?.” North American journal of medical sciences 1.2 (2009): 28.
There is a compelling argument that the occurrence of regressive autism is attributable to genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, arising from the overuse of vaccines, which subsequently affects the stability and function of the autonomic nervous system and physiological systems.

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Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road, Suite 190
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Last updated on by Jeffrey Dach MD

Aluminum in Vaccines Cause Autism
Article Name
Aluminum in Vaccines Cause Autism
Aluminum in Vaccines Cause Autism. Injected aluminum travels to the brain, causing inflammation. High aluminum levels were found in autistic brains.
Jeffrey Dach MD
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3 thoughts on “Aluminum in Vaccines Cause Autism

  1. From a Reader: Paul Harmans

    Dear Jeffrey Dach MD,

    After reading your very interesting article “Aluminum in Vaccines Cause Autism”, I am wondering where to find the original medical research report(s) regarding the discovery of aluminum in vaccine placebo’s? Hopefully you can provide me some link(s).
    Thanking you in advance,

    Paul Harmans, the Netherlands

    Dear Paul,
    Here is the link you requested:

    Tomljenovic, L., and C. A Shaw. “Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?.” Current medicinal chemistry 18.17 (2011): 2630-2637.

    “Additionally, for the purpose of evaluating safety and efficacy, vaccine clinical trials often use an aluminium-containing placebo, either containing the same or greater amount of aluminum as the test vaccine [48-51]. Without exception, these trials report a comparable rate of adverse reactions between the placebo and the vaccine group (for example, 63.7% vs 65.3% of systemic events and 1.7% vs 1.8% of serious adverse events respectively [51]).
    According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a placebo is “an inactive pill, liquid, or powder that has no treatment value” [52]. The well-established neurotoxic properties of aluminium (Table 1) therefore suggest that aluminum cannot constitute as a valid placebo.
    “end quote

    regards, Jeffrey Dach MD

  2. Posted from a Reader of My Blog:

    From: Karen
    Subject: Grateful for your work

    Hi Dr. Dach,
    Just a note to send a heart-felt thanks – so much on your website resonates and many of your resources have been ones that I have studied. Your apology about vaccination was so necessary to hear. The journey you have taken has required a lot of soul-searching and courage, and it is greatly appreciated.
    I am a newly retired resource teacher in Ontario, Canada, and have witnessed first-hand the epidemic of declined health in children: allergies, gut problems, skin disorders, learning disabilities, autism, ADHD, PANDAS, language, sensory and motor disorders. The list goes on and on, and as the educational and medical systems scramble and ignore, these beautiful children and their parents are struggling with such confusion and courage.
    Our school recently had 4 children with non-verbal autism arrive in our kindergarten program. We have so many students who are diagnosed or not diagnosed (progressive autism) that are not served educationally nor do they receive appropriate medical care. They are medicated to subdue them, not to heal.
    Our ratio at our school is 1:45 for autism, with many not even identified. A friend recently started teaching at a school that has almost 50% military families. Their ratio is 1:10. Why is vaccination not being questioned?
    I also wanted to share that within the last year of retiring, after much more research, another teacher and I started sharing information about informed consent and alternatives for medical care. Parents have shared stories of remarkable recovery for 6 children of various ages with a ride range and combination of the above conditions. All sought treatment with functional medicine or naturopathy, and with time, healing started to happen.
    There is hope.
    With thanks,

  3. Pingback: How Vaccines cause Autism – International Scientists have found the Cause. What will Americans do?” – The Free

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