Wheat Gluten, Leaky Gut, and Autoimmune Disease

Wheat Gluten, Leaky Gut, and Autoimmune Disease Part Four by Jeffrey Dach MD Paradigm Shift about “Leaky Gut” I simply had to attend a medical meeting in 2013, held literally in my back yard at the Ft. Lauderdale Harbor Marriot, … Continue reading

A Neurosurgeon with a Painful Arm, Myositis from Statin and PPI Drugs


A Neurosurgeon with a Painful Arm, Myositis from Statin and PPI Drugs by Jeffrey Dach MD Sam, a 67 year old retired neurosurgeon came to see me because of pain and weakness in his right arm over the past 6 … Continue reading

Hair Loss From Low Stomach Acid, The Lady In Grey

Lady in Grey Low Stomach Acid

The Lady in Grey –  Hair Loss From Low Stomach Acid by Jeffrey Dach MD Mary is a 62 year old accountant who arrived in my office with a chief complaint of hair loss.  Mary was dressed smartly, wearing a … Continue reading