Salvestrols Nutritional Supplements for Cancer Survivors
by Jeffrey Dach MD
This article is Part One of a Series.
For Part Two, Click Here.
For Part three, Click Here
Since it is so close and convenient, I go every year to ACAM’s annual Spring meeting at the Westin Diplomat resort here in Hollywood on the beach.
Sometimes the most useful information doesn’t come from the speakers at the podium selected by the ACAM staff. Rather the most useful information may come to you from other doctors attending the meeting.
This was the case last week when I saw Michael Schachter MD at the meeting. and had a chance to catch up since last year. In brief conversation, Dr Michael Schachter mentioned a new anti-cancer nutritional supplement called Salvestrols. He asked me if I had heard about it. I said no, not really. So, he then proceeded over the next few minutes to fill me in on Salvestrols, the topic of this article.
Above left image: courtesy of Michael B Schachter MD web site.
Salvestrols, the Next Paradigm in Cancer Prevention and Treatment.
Salvestrols are naturally occurring extracts of fruits and vegetables which are metabolized by the CYP1B1 enzyme in cancer cells. While harmless to normal cells, these metabolites will kill cancer cells in a process called apoptosis. These are not drugs. These are very safe nutritional supplements.
A Brief History of the Discovery of the CYP1B1 Enzyme System
They discovered that all cancer cells over-express enzyme CYP 1B1 activity, whereas normal healthy cells do not have this enzyme in appreciable amounts. These two scientist then spent decades working out assays this enzyme, as well as tests and drugs that affect this enzyme system.
Impatient with the length and expense of the drug approval process, Drs. Burke and Potter turned to the natural plant world, and discovered plant compounds which are metabolized by the CYP 1B1 in 2002, calling them “Salvestrols”, a Latin word translated as “to save”. There are 100,000 phytochemicals in nature . Fewer than 50 will be Salvestrols which are metabolized by CYP 1B1 capable of killing cancer cells.
Salvestrol Dosage:
“Standard therapeutic dosing falls between 4,000 and 6,000 points per day depending on the patient’s body mass index (BMI).” (5)
Randomized Trials Vs. Case Reports
Salvestrols are natural supplements of no interest to the pharmaceutical industry, and therefore, no funding for expensive controlled trials. The fact is, we may never have the benefit of randomized trials of Salvestrols to judge its effectiveness. This leaves us in a quandary. How are we to evaluate whether or not this is an effective treatment for cancer? The answer to this question lies in case reports and observational studies.
A 69-year-old male coughing up blood had bronchoscopy and biopsy confirming inoperable, stage 2-3 squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung. Imaging showed a seven-centimeter chest wall mass with enlarged nodes. The cancer was deemed untreatable and no chemotherapy or radiation therapy recommended.
This patient immediately commenced a diet of fresh, organic fruit, vegetables and juices. Meat, refined sugar and dairy products were eliminated from his diet. In addition, he began Salvestrol supplements (4000 points) per day for six weeks.
At the end of the first week, he was no longer coughing up blood. Within three weeks his diagnosis had been changed from inoperable to operable lung cancer. At the end of three weeks a biopsy of the largest lymph node was taken following a PET scan and it was found to be negative. The diagnosis was again changed to operable lung cancer requiring removal of one lobe of the affected lung.
Six weeks later the patient underwent surgery. The chest surgeon removed the shrunken tumor and a couple of suspicious lymph nodes. During surgery the tumor was found to be clear of the chest wall. Postoperative pathology of the lymph nodes was negative for cancer, and the patient was deemed cancer free.
Published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (Vol. 22, No. 4, 2007) by Brian Schaefer, Hoon Tan, Dan Burke, and Gerard Potter.
Case 2. Melanoma
A 94-year-old woman was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma on her foot following a biopsy. The melanoma was deemed to be inoperable.
Upon returning home the family started her on a course of Salvestrols, Four (1,000 point) Salvestrol capsules were taken per day,
One year later a physicians visited the woman and found the melanoma was gone and the foot completely healed. The woman was deemed to be cancer free.
Published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (Vol. 22, No. 4, 2007) by Brian Schaefer, Hoon Tan, Dan Burke, and Gerard Potter.
Case #1. Stage 3 breast cancer- Tumor shrinks 50% on Salvestrols.
A 50-year-old female with a 2.5 cm tumor in the left breast, biopsy proven stage 3 breast cancer. Surgical removal was recommended and a surgery date was scheduled for one month later. Chemotherapy was declined, At the time of original biopsy diagnosis, the patient began Salvestrols (3,500 points per day) taken before meals for three months.. Also, the patient started organic, vegan diet (vegetables, greens, fruits, juices, wheatgrass and tea) and an exercise program of walking and yoga. Salvestrol specific supplements were also taken; biotin, 300mcg; niacin, magnesium by way of a calcium/magnesium tablet, iron,and Vitamin C, 1,000 mg. and selenium (200 mg)
During the one-month wait for surgery, the patient reported the tumor softened, the texture changed and the tumor progressively decreased in size.
At surgery, a the tumor was only 1.3 cm in size, half the diameter one month earlier. The lymph nodes were negative.
One month after surgery, the patient underwent radiotherapy once a day for 30 days, as a preventive measure. She declined chemotherapy.
After three months, Salvestrol dosage was reduced to 2,100 points daily.
13 months after surgery, the patient remains cancer free
Conclusion : Tumour shrinkage during the one-month wait for surgery appears to be due to Salvestrol supplementation, nutrition, and exercise.
Case #2. Stage 2 liver cancer treated with hepatic artery embolisation.
A 73-year-old Korean male with with loss from alcoholic cirhosis had three intrahepatic masses discovered on CAT scan thought to be metastatic hepatoma.
One month later patient started Salvestrol supplements per day (4,200 points per day) for four months. and then reduced to 2,100 points per day). In addition to the Salvestrol supplementation, he began IV vitamin C injections (30 g weekly). This dose was increased gradually to 100 g per week. He also took Niacin for four months after his diagnosis, 250 mg per day for one month and then increased this amount to 500 mg per day for about five months. Eleven months after commencing Salvestrol supplementation he was declared ‘all clear’, cancer free. This case leaves Salvestrol supplementation, high dose Vitamin C, niacin, exercise and mental outlook as the possible candidates to explain his recovery.
Case #3. Colon cancer-clinical diagnosis- no pathologic confirmation
A 64-year-old female with weight loss and abdomenal pain, and distention, blood in the stool and jaundice. Colon cancer was suspected however, the patient declined testing to confirm the diagnosis. She immediately started taking Salvestrols, (3,150 points per day) was maintained for three months. In addition to the Salvestrol supplementation she took a daily multivitamin, one ‘colon green’ capsule per day, one S-adenosyl L-methionine capsule per day and used externally applied castor oil packs on the abdomen four days each week. She reported feeling better within three weeks of Salvestrol supplementation. By seven weeks the abdominal pain and distention had subsided. After seven months of Salvestrol supplementation she was back to normal, attributes her recovery to the Salverstrol Supplements.
Case #4. Prostate cancer- PSA Climbing
A 72-year-old male had been diagnosed with prostate cancer based on climbing PSA (prostate specific antigen). To confirm the diagnosis, patient had a
positive uPM3™13 urine-based genetic test for prostate cancer from Bostwich Laboratories. This test for the PCA3 gene was positive for prostate cancer.
Patient started Salvestrol supplementation with other nutritional supplements: vitamin C; Co-Q10; folic acid; garlic; lycopene; zinc; cranberries; 2 multivitamins without iron; and vitamin E.
Salvestrol dosage With breakfast on Monday, Wednesday and Friday – one Salvestrol Gold (1000 point) capsule.
After a period of three months of Salvestrol Supplementation, PSA test results had returned to within normal limits. PSA tests every three months for one year were all within normal limits.
Case #1: Stage 1 Breast Cancer – Remission after Salvestrols (5)
A 76-year-old female noticed multiple lumps at the surface of her right breast while showering, and biopsy confirmed breast cancer. The patient declined conventional treatment with Femara® (letrozole),an aromatase inhibitor. Instead, The patient started a three week course of 1,400 Salvestrol points daily. One capsule AM with breakfast and one PM, with no additional supplements, alternative treatments, or prescription medications, and no other dietary or lifestyle changes were made.
The patient reported that after 10-12 days of Salvestrol supplementation, breast self-examination revealed the lumps had decreased in size. During the third week of Salvestrol supplementation breast self examination revealed the breast lumps could no longer be felt. There were no adverse side effects from the Salvestrol supplementation. A month after her diagnosis computerized tomography (CAT) and mammograms showed no abnormality. The patient was declared cancer free.
#2 Squamous cell carcinoma the Anus-responds to Salvestrols (5)
A 46-year-old male was diagnosed with biopsy proven squamous cell carcinoma of the anus. Surgery was recommended and declined by the patient. Instead, the patient started twice weekly applications of Aldara® (imiquimod) cream.
Seven years later, squamous cell carcinoma was again confirmed by a repeat biopsy, and again surgery was recommended and declined.
Three years after the second biopsy diagnosis, the anal lesions were appearing much more frequently.
The patient began Salvestrols and XM8 cream (i.e., a natural borage oil based cream) and stopped use of Aldara®.
For three months the patient took one Salvestrol Platinum (1,000 points) capsule per day and applied XM8 cream every two to three days.
After six weeks of Salvestrol use, the lesions were no longer visible. At the end of three months of Salvestrol use, the patient was deemed to be all clear.
Case #3: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia – enlarging nodes- declined radiotherapy after Salvestrol response (5)
An 80-year-old woman presented with a 7 cm left neck mass, and enlarged inguinal and axillary nodes. Biopsy confirmed chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Her condition declined with severe pain in her throat and weight loss. A second biopsy of the throat lesion showed ulcerated tonsil with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. She was referred for radiotherapy. She noted progression of disease in the nexk inguinal and axillary areas.
At this point, the patient started a three month course of Salvestrols with two Salvestrol Platinum (1,000 point) capsules per day. One AM with breakfast and one PM with dinner. She also modified her diet to include more fruits and vegetables.
After one month of Salvestrol supplementation, the patient was feeling better. The enlarged nodes had started to soften and shrink. This improvement prompted the patient to decline radiation therapy.
After two months of Salvestrol supplementation, the tumour in her neck had almost disappeared. At the end of the third month of Salvestrol supplementation the tumours in her neck had completely disappeared. The oncologist reported no evidence of cancer.
Case #4: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – response to Salvestrols
A 50-year-old male with BPH had reduced flow and nocturia. PSA was wnl. The patietn was treated with 0.4 mg, of the alpha-adrenergic blocker, Flomax® (tamsulosin). However he had adverse side efefects and discontinued. He then started taking one Salvestrol Gold capsule (350 points) each morning.
Within a month the incidence of nocturia had dropped down to once a night,
He reported stronger urinary flow. After three months of Gold the patient switched to Salvestrol Platinum (1,000 points per capsule). He reported that there was a noticeable improvement in terms of decreased incidence of nocturia and increased strength of flow.
Case #5: Stage 3 Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma-Combined Chemotherapy, surgery and Salvestrols- Complete Remission
A 57-year-old female presented with abdominal distention, loss of appetite, and fatigue. CA-125 was very high, 7,250, and biopsy revealed peritoneal carcinoma, with involvement of the ovaries. The patient then started IV chemotherapy Paclitaxel (for three hours) followed by Carboplatin (for one hour) every three weeks. Ondansetron was prescribed twice daily for two days following chemotherapy to manage nausea and vomiting;
At the same time as the starting chemotherapy, the patient also started three Salvestrol Platinum (2,000 point) capsules per day (total of 6,000 Salvestrol points per day).
One week after starting her chemotherapy and Salvestrols there was a significant reduction in her abdominal swelling.
By week four her CA-125 level had dropped to 4,593.
Her CA-125 level was measured the day she received her third course of chemotherapy (week seven from onset of treatments) and it had dropped to 510.
Her physician noted that she had never seen such a huge fall in CA-125 levels in all her career and was quite taken aback by the results thus far.
During the twelfth week of treatment she received a hysterectomy. The surgeon reported that most of the cancer had been removed except for small residuals. Three weeks after the surgery the CA-125 level had fallen further to 52.
By week 19 of her treatment, the CA-125 had fallen to within normal limits.
Chemotherapy was completed during week 22, and the CA-125 level was measured as 15 (within normal limits).
At week 25 the CA-125 had fallen to 13.
A CT scan was performed during week 28 and the patient was deemed cancer free with a CA-125 level of 11.
This is a very impressive response for stage 3 peritoneal cancer or ovarian cancer following combined treatment with chemotherapy, hysterectomy and Salvestrols.
Conclusion: Case studies on the use of Salvestrols for cancer prevention and treatment are impressive. Have you used Salvestrols? Email to me your experience. using the reply box below this post.
This article is Part One of a Series. For Part Two, Click Here. For Part three, Click Here
Author: Jeffrey Dach MD
Links and References
pdf files on Salvestrol
1) salvestrols_ISOMtalk_Schaefer2010
Annual International Conference 39th Orthomolecular Medicine Today Early Cancer Detection By Brian Schaefer, D.Phil.(Oxon) ISOM Annual International Conference: 39th Orthomolecular Medicine Today. April 30 – May 2, 2010. Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C.
2) salvestrol_case_studies JOM_25_2010_Schaefer
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol 25, No. 1, 2010 (with authors Brian A. Schaefer, D.Phil.,Catherine Dooner, B.A, M. Danny Burke, Ph.D, Gerard A. Potter, Ph.D)
3) Salvestrol Update 2012 Ware
William R. Ware, PhD – Editor
4) Dr. William R Ware-salvestrols-issue-30
Salvestrols A natural, targeted approach to preventing and treating cancer
By William R. Ware, Ph.D. Faculty of Science
University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada
Issue 30 Jounal of IHP nov dec 2012
5) Salvestrol_3rd_case_studies_Schaefer_JOMSept2012
Cancer and Related Case Studies Involving Salvestrol and CYP1B1
September 2012 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine;2012, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p131
Schaefer, Brian A.; Potter, Gerard A.; Wood, Robbie; R.C.S., D.Orth.; R.C.P.S, D. D. Orth.; Burke, M. Danny
Salvestrols are a new class of natural compounds that have a pharmacological definition rather than a chemical definition. They are defined by the action of the metabolites produced when they are metabolised by the CYP1B1 enzyme in cancer cells. Simply put, salvestrols are food-based compounds that are metabolised by CYP1B1 to produce metabolites that are anticancer agents. These anticancer agents suppress tumour growth by killing the cancer cells. Salvestrols provide an explanation of the link between diet and cancer and between fruit and vegetable consumption and lower cancer incidence. There has to be a significant change in the way that we approach food, in the way we grow food and the way that we see our diet. Anthony Daniels – I never believed that cancer was a curable disease. Now, in the light of what we have discovered, I believe that cancer is curable.
Professor Gerry PotterGerry Potter is a professor of medicinal chemistry in the School of Pharmacy at De Montfort University in Leicester, England. In this department he is Director of the Cancer Drug Discovery Group, a group dedicated to the development and discovery of tumour selective agents for the safe treatment of cancer.Professor Potter had his first experience with cancer at the age of four. His aunt died of cancer and this experience had a profound influence on his subsequent career.He studied chemistry as an undergraduate and completed a final year project on anticancer agents. This took him to the University of Manchester where he investigated cytochrome P450 enzymes.A Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry was subsequently obtained from the University of London’s Institute of Cancer Research. During his final year of doctoral studies Professor Potter was awarded the SmithKlineBeecham Prize for Chirality in Drug Design and Synthesis.With his Ph.D., in hand Dr. Potter designed and synthesised selective drugs for breast and prostate cancer at the Institute of Cancer Research. His prostate cancer drug, Abiraterone acetate, has recently been licensed as a last line treatment for prostate cancer (at this point it is exceptionally difficult to get a drug licensed as a first line treatment regardless of the drugs performance). This drug is actually an enzyme inhibitor rather than chemotherapy per se. CYP 17 is a human enzyme involved in androgen and oestrogen biosynthesis. Abiraterone inhibits this enzyme shutting off this biosynthesis. Abiraterone is currently working its way through the remaining clinical trial process and the results so far have been exceptional (Attart, et al., 2009). This work subsequently took him to Cambridge where he continued developing chiral (compounds having different left and right handed forms) anticancer agents.While at Cambridge he was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Award for Industrial Innovation. Within a year of receiving this award he was offered his Professorship at De Montfort University. Professor Potter has recently won his third Royal Society of Chemistry Award forIndustrial Innovation for his design and development of Abiraterone acetate. He is the only scientist to win this award more than once.This cumulative experience pointed to a number of shortcomings of existing anti-cancer agents and helped to form a central theme of his research. Conventional anti-cancer agents are generally toxic, that is, they lack selectivity. As Stellman and Zoloth point out in their literature review of cancer chemotherapeutic agents as occupational hazards, “There is no speculation, however, about the toxicity of most of the cancer chemotherapeutic agents” (Stellman, JM; Zoloth, SR, 1986). Most are equally toxic to healthy tissue as they are to cancerous tissue (e.g., Methotrexate) (Potter, G., 2005). Some are more toxic to healthy tissue than cancerous tissue (e.g., Taxol, Doxorubicin, 5-Fluorouracil) (Potter,G., 2005). Still others are carcinogenic tumour promoters (e.g.,Chlorambucil, Melphalan) while others are both carcinogenic and mutagenic, a situation that can lead to induction of highly aggressive secondary cancers (Potter, G., 2005). Indeed, investigations into the health risks of occupational exposure to anticancer (antineoplastic) drugs have pointed to the increased risk of cancer among health care professionals exposed to these drugs as well as an increased incidence of sponaneous abortions and malformation of the offspring of oncology nurses (Sorsa, et al., 1985; Skov, et al., 1990: Skov, et al., 1992).Professor Potter is author of over 60 research publications. This research has resulted in his successful patenting of 20 anticancer agents. A common theme throughout his research is the quest for anticancer agents that are selective and harmless to healthy tissue. This research has recently taken Professor Potter into a search for natural anticancer agents that are selective, effective and without side effects. It is this recent research that forms the foundation of the Salvestrol Concept.
Integr Cancer Ther. 2009 Mar;8(1):22-8. doi: 10.1177/1534735408328573. Epub 2008 Dec 30. Nutrition and the prevention and treatment of cancer: association of cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 with the role of fruit and fruit extracts.Ware WR. Faculty of Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
Recommendations for a healthy or prudent diet include a large number of daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and these 2 classes of food are widely believed to assist in cancer prevention. One potential mechanism that is rarely mentioned in nutritional studies involves the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1B1, which appears to have the unique properties of being a universal cancer marker overexpressed in cancer cells and having the capability of converting various phytochemicals and synthetic chemicals into substances cytotoxic to these cells. Although these particular features of CYP1B1 have not gone unnoticed, there has been relatively little research aimed at exploiting them. Furthermore, therapeutic and preventive strategies currently being considered based on vaccines against the enzyme or inhibition without the generation of cytotoxins can be questioned because they do not take advantage of the unique properties of this enzyme. In addition, a few relevant case histories have been published that use specially designed fruit extracts containing substrates with demonstrated cytotoxic metabolic products, and these reports provide an initial confirmation of the potential of exploiting the unusual properties of this enzyme for cancer therapy.
Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2001;41:297-316.
Regulation, function, and tissue-specific expression of cytochrome P450 CYP1B1.
Murray GI, Melvin WT, Greenlee WF, Burke MD. Department of Pathology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD, United Kingdom.Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 is a relatively recently identified member of the CYP1 gene family. The purpose of this commentary is to review the regulatory mechanisms, metabolic specificity, and tissue-specific expression of this cytochrome P450 and to highlight its unique properties. The regulation of CYP1B1 involves a variety of both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. CYP1B1 can metabolize a range of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals in vitro but in some cases with a unique stereoselectivity. Estradiol 4-hydroxylation appears to be a characteristic reaction catalyzed by human CYP1B1. However, there are considerable species differences regarding the regulation, metabolic specificity, and tissue-specific expression of this P450. In humans CYP1B1 is overexpressed in tumor cells, and this has important implications for tumor development and progression and the development of anticancer drugs specifically activated by CYP1B1
.—————————-Cancer and Related Case Studies Involving Salvestrol and CYP1B1by Brian A Schaefer, D.Phil; Gerard A. Potter, PhD; Robbie Wood, BDS, D.Orth. R.C.S.(Eng), D.D.Orth.R.C.P.S(Glasg); M. Danny Burke, PhD. Source: Health Action, Winter 2012Editor’s Note: Health Action magazine first reported on the natural anti-cancer supplement Salvestrols in 2005. We’re reprinting with permission shortened versions of three new case studies in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (Vol 27, No 3, 2012, pp 131-138.
Dr Michael Shacter’s Four part series on Integrative OncologyTownsend Letter 2011
References from the Annual International Conference – 39th Orthomolecular Medicine Today Early Cancer Detection By Brian Schaefer, D.Phil.(Oxon) ISOM Annual International Conference: 39th Orthomolecular Medicine Today.
Further reading:
Attard G, Belldegrun AS, de Bono JS (2005). Selective blockade of androgenic steroid synthesis by novel lyase inhibitors as a therapeutic strategy for treating metastatic prostate cancer. BJU Int. 96 (9): 1241–6.
Attard G, Reid AHM, Yap TA, Raynaud F, Dowsett M, Settatree S, Barrett M, Parker C, Martins V, Folkerd E, Clark J, Cooper CS, Kaye SB, Dearnaley D, Lee G, de Bono JS (2008). Phase I Clinical Trial of a Selective Inhibitor of CYP17, Abiraterone Acetate, Confirms That Castration‐Resistant Prostate Cancer Commonly Remains Hormone Driven. Journal of Clinical Oncology 26: 4563.
Burke, MD. (2009). The silent growth of cancer and its implications for nutritional protection. British Naturopathic Journal, 26:1, 15‐18.
Burke, MD, & Potter, G (2006). Salvestrols … Natural Plant and Cancer Agents? British Naturopathic Journal, 23:1,10‐13.
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 22, 1: 85‐93.
Li NC, & Wakeman M. (October 2009) High‐performance liquid chromatography comparison of eight beneficial secondary plant metabolites in the flesh and peel or 15 varieties of apples. The Pharmaceutical Journal, supplement Vol. 283, B40.
Li NC, & Wakeman M. (2009) High‐performance liquid chromatography comparison of eight beneficial secondary plant metabolites in the flesh and peel or 15 varieties of apples. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, supplement 1, A132.
McFadyen MCE, Melvin WT, Murray GI (2004) Cytochrome P450 enzymes: Novel options for cancer therapeutics. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 3: 363‐371.
McFadyen MCE, Breeman S, Payne S, et al. Immunohistochemical localization of cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 in breast cancer with monoclonal antibodies specific for CYP1B1. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry,1999;47:1457–64.
Potter GA (2002) The role of CYP 1B1 as a tumour suppressor enzyme. British Journal of Cancer, 86 (Suppl 1), S12, 2002.
Potter GA, Patterson LH, Wanogho E et al (2002) The cancer preventative agent resveratrol is converted to the anticancer agent piceatonnal by the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP 1B1. British Journal of Cancer, 86: 774‐778.
Schaefer BA, Dooner C, Burke DM, Potter GA, (2010) Nutrition and Cancer: Further Case Studies Involving Salvestrol. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 25, 1: 17‐23.
Schaefer BA, Hoon LT, Burke DM, Potter GA, (2007) Nutrition and Cancer: Salvestrol Case Studies. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 22, 4: 177‐182.
Ware WR, (2009) Nutrition and the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: Association of Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 With the Role of Fruit and Fruit Extracts. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 8, 1: 22‐28.
Ware WR, (2009) P450 CYP1B1 mediated fluorescent tumor markers: A potentially useful approach for photodynamic therapy, diagnosis and establishing surgical margins. Medical Hypotheses, 72: 67‐70.
Salvestrols: Nature’s Defence Against Cancer: Linking Diet and Cancer [Paperback]
Dr. Brian A Schaefer
Salvestrols are a new class of natural compounds that have a pharmacological definition rather than a chemical definition. They are defined by the action of the metabolites produced when they are metabolised by the CYP1B1 enzyme in cancer cells. Simply put, salvestrols are food-based compounds that are metabolised by CYP1B1 to produce metabolites that are anticancer agents. These anticancer agents suppress tumour growth by killing the cancer cells. Salvestrols provide an explanation of the link between diet and cancer and between fruit and vegetable consumption and lower cancer incidence.
Professor Gerry Potter has dedicated his career to studying cancer, its detection and treatment. He has a Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry from the University of London’s Institute of Cancer Research and, during his final year of doctoral studies, Professor Potter was awarded the SmithKline Beecham Prize for Chirality in Drug Design and Synthesis. Dr. Potter has designed and synthesized selective drugs for breast and prostate cancer at the Institute of Cancer Research. His prostate cancer drug, Abiraterone, is undergoing clinical trials and the results so far have been exceptional.
At Cambridge University, Professor Potter developed chiral (compounds with different left and right-handed forms) anticancer agents. While there, he won the Royal Society of Chemistry Award for Industrial Innovation. Within a year of this award, he was offered a professorship at De Montfort University in Leicester, UK.
Professor Potter has written more than 60 research publications. His research has resulted in the successful patenting of 20 anticancer agents. A common theme in his research is the quest for anticancer agents that are selective and harmless to healthy tissue.
Professor Dan Burke – Professor Burke has spent most of his life studying and working with cancer, its causes and detection. He studied biochemistry as an undergraduate and received a first class honors degree from the University of London. A place in the Ph.D. program at the University of Surrey followed where he conducted research into drug metabolism.
During the 1970s, Professor Burke invented a set of biochemical tests known as the EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase) assays. These assays are the premier method of quantifying the activity of particular enzymes. They are fundamental research tools used worldwide in industry and academia alike to facilitate scientific investigations.
Professor Burke served on faculty of the Aberdeen University medical school for nearly 20 years. At Aberdeen, he was offered a professorship and became recognized as an expert on the metabolism, toxicity and interactions of drugs and environmental chemicals. A decade ago, his research group discovered a universal cancer marker that is intrinsic to cancer cells but absent from healthy tissue. This discovery has stimulated important new research on cancer detection, development of new drugs and anticancer vaccines worldwide.
Professor Burke is Emeritus Professor of Pharmaceutical Metabolism at Sunderland University after stepping down as their Dean of Science. He is also the Head of Research at Nature’s Defence (UK) Ltd., in Syston, Leicester, England.
The reader is advised to discuss the comments on these pages with his/her personal physicians and to only act upon the advice of his/her personal physician. Also note that concerning an answer which appears as an electronically posted question, I am NOT creating a physician — patient relationship. Although identities will remain confidential as much as possible, as I can not control the media, I can not take responsibility for any breaches of confidentiality that may occur.
Copyright (c) 2013 Jeffrey Dach MD All Rights Reserved. This article may be reproduced on the internet without permission, provided there is a link to this page and proper credit is given.
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Salvestrols Nutritional Supplements for Cancer Survivors
Salvestrols Nutritional Supplements for Cancer Survivors
Jeffrey Dach MD
Jeffrey Dach MD
6 thoughts on “Salvestrols Nutritional Supplements for Cancer Survivors”
I have recently been diagnosed with mild or medium prostate cancer .
I am going for a MRI scan and a bone scan my most recent PSA READING 7.1 which was 2 months ago.
10 days ago I started taking prostate salvestrols 500 twice a day zinc capsule wheatgrass 1 t.s .echinacea eating 1 pomogranate cut out tea and coffee and sugar should I be taking platinum salvestrols as well/insead of.
Arthur, can you give an update on the condition of your wife, please.
I am about to take Salvestrols and we are looking for confirmation that the product really works.
My husband was diagnosed on the 4th of September (over a month ago) with cancer in the rectum…a 3cm tumour. The CT and RI scans indicated that the cancer had not spread, it was isolated. He was told that he was to undergo daily treatments of radiation with a chemotherapy tablet for 6 weeks in order to shrink the tumour and after the 6 weeks, do surgery to remove the tumour. Today was his 2nd week of the treatment. He had been given nausea tablets to use to counter the nausea. He has to take 6 chemo tablets per day i.e. 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening. He had been experiencing the nausea as well as feeling very drained (no energy) About a month before he started treatment (as we were waiting on my medical aid to authorize the treatment plan), he had been using Organic olive leaf and cancerbush capsules as well as salvestrols platinum that a friend of ours introduced us to. He had also been drinking rooibos ginger tea with a teaspoon of raw honey every day. However, when we went to a health store at one of the big shopping malls near our home, the supervisor told us that even though salvestrols are good, he wouldn’t suggest that my husband use it while undergoing the daily radiation and chemo tablet treatment because, according to him, it could clash with what the chemo and radiation is set out to do. My husband, feeling overwhelmed by all the different kinds of information, immediately stopped using the olive leaf and cancerbush capsules as well as the salvestrols (and this is almost 2 weeks ago). I am so against this radiation/chemo, but he needs to be convinced. His oncologist told him to also stay away from any other “medication” (i.e. these natural products) as he was not familiar with it and that it could interfere with their treatment. I didn’t buy agree with the oncologist’s or health-store supervisor’s theory.
Today I spoke to one of the pharmacists at one of our leading pharmacies and she, to my amazement, was singing the praises of salvestrols. She, ironically, is against Westernised medicine.
In your knowledge and understanding of salvestrols, can my husband resume using it whilst he is undergoing his daily radiation and chemo-tablet therapy? And what about organic coconut oil and cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil?
His oncologist is right, there is no alternative cancer treatment, my wife took selvestrols for over a year and a lot of other stuff and did not help at all, selvestrols is a big scam.
PLease find a good doctores/hospitals
I have recently been diagnosed with mild or medium prostate cancer .
I am going for a MRI scan and a bone scan my most recent PSA READING 7.1 which was 2 months ago.
10 days ago I started taking prostate salvestrols 500 twice a day zinc capsule wheatgrass 1 t.s .echinacea eating 1 pomogranate cut out tea and coffee and sugar should I be taking platinum salvestrols as well/insead of.
I would be grateful for any pointers.
I am 72.
Hi BH,
I am hoping for a speedy recovery of your health.
Please feel free to send me an update of how you are doing from time to time.
warmest regards
jeffrey dach md
After 14 month of 12000 per day selvestrols did nothing for my wife, the situation just keep getting worse, the tumores spreading, growing
Arthur, can you give an update on the condition of your wife, please.
I am about to take Salvestrols and we are looking for confirmation that the product really works.
My husband was diagnosed on the 4th of September (over a month ago) with cancer in the rectum…a 3cm tumour. The CT and RI scans indicated that the cancer had not spread, it was isolated. He was told that he was to undergo daily treatments of radiation with a chemotherapy tablet for 6 weeks in order to shrink the tumour and after the 6 weeks, do surgery to remove the tumour. Today was his 2nd week of the treatment. He had been given nausea tablets to use to counter the nausea. He has to take 6 chemo tablets per day i.e. 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening. He had been experiencing the nausea as well as feeling very drained (no energy) About a month before he started treatment (as we were waiting on my medical aid to authorize the treatment plan), he had been using Organic olive leaf and cancerbush capsules as well as salvestrols platinum that a friend of ours introduced us to. He had also been drinking rooibos ginger tea with a teaspoon of raw honey every day. However, when we went to a health store at one of the big shopping malls near our home, the supervisor told us that even though salvestrols are good, he wouldn’t suggest that my husband use it while undergoing the daily radiation and chemo tablet treatment because, according to him, it could clash with what the chemo and radiation is set out to do. My husband, feeling overwhelmed by all the different kinds of information, immediately stopped using the olive leaf and cancerbush capsules as well as the salvestrols (and this is almost 2 weeks ago). I am so against this radiation/chemo, but he needs to be convinced. His oncologist told him to also stay away from any other “medication” (i.e. these natural products) as he was not familiar with it and that it could interfere with their treatment. I didn’t buy agree with the oncologist’s or health-store supervisor’s theory.
Today I spoke to one of the pharmacists at one of our leading pharmacies and she, to my amazement, was singing the praises of salvestrols. She, ironically, is against Westernised medicine.
In your knowledge and understanding of salvestrols, can my husband resume using it whilst he is undergoing his daily radiation and chemo-tablet therapy? And what about organic coconut oil and cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil?
Please advise.
His oncologist is right, there is no alternative cancer treatment, my wife took selvestrols for over a year and a lot of other stuff and did not help at all, selvestrols is a big scam.
PLease find a good doctores/hospitals