Hillary Clinton Takes Natural Desiccated Thyroid
A letter was released by Hillary Clinton’s doctor, Lisa Bardack, MD, disclosing among other things, Hillary is taking natural desiccated thyroid pills for hypothyroidism, and she has a Calcium Score of zero. She also takes vitamin B12. Dr Lisa Bardack declared Hillary “fit to serve as president.”
Perhaps Dr Lisa Bardack prescribes natural thyroid for Hillary Clinton because it is a better thyroid medication. And perhaps Dr Lisa Barack prescribes natural thyroid for Hillary Clinton in spite of the opposition of the Endocrine Society Position_Statement which says natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) should not be used as thyroid replacement therapy:
“In general, desiccated thyroid hormone or thyroid extract, combinations of
thyroid hormones, or triiodothyronine should not be used as thyroid
replacement therapy.” (Quote from Endocrine Society Position Statement.)
Perhaps Dr Bardack prescribes NDT (natur5al desiccated thyroid in spite of the opposing 2012 position statement of the American Association of Endocrinologists and the ATA (American Thyroid Association) regarding the use of natural desiccated thyroid, which says:
“There is no evidence to support using desiccated thyroid hormone in preference to L-thyroxine monotherapy in the treatment of hypothyroidism and therefore desiccated thyroid hormone should not be used for the treatment of hypothyroidism.” (quote)
The ATA Guidelines For Treatment Hypothyroidism were updated Dec 2014, saying:
“We recommend that levothyroxine (T4 only) be considered as routine care for patients with primary hypothyroidism, in preference to use of thyroid extracts (NDT).”
Perhaps Dr Bardack has read these position statements opposed to the use of natural desiccated thyroid (NDT), and has chosen to ignore them as I have done, recognizing these position statements merely reflect the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry controlling these medical societies and organizations.
Featured image at top: Hillary Clinton age 50. courtesy of Time magazine Oct 20,1997
Left Image Hillary Clinton 2007 presidential race Low Thyroid Condition on Synthroid ? Courtesy of Federalist Papers.
Natural Thyroid is Better then Synthroid
The reality is that natural desiccated thyroid is a more robust and superior thyroid medication when compared to T4 only medications such as levothyroxine. This has been true in my clinical experience.
Experience at Walter Reed Hospital
Perhaps Dr Bardack is familiar with the 2013 report by Dr Hoang at the Walter Reed Military Hospital which compared Desiccated thyroid extract to levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism, in which half the patients expressed a preference for NDT over T4 only treatment.(4)
Articles with related interest:
Why Natural Thyroid is Better Than Synthetic
Why Natural Thyroid is better, Part Two
New Study Shows Natural Thyroid is Better, Part Three
TSH Suppression Benefits and Adverse Effects
Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road Suite 190
Davie, Fl 33314
Links and references:
1) Hillary Clinton Natural Dessicated Thyroid Armour – Letter by Lisa Bardack MD
2) Wall Street Journal: Hillary Clinton’s Doctor Says She’s Fit to Serve As President The Democrat’s doctor declared her in ‘excellent physical condition’
By Laura Meckler Updated July 31, 2015 5:57 p.m. ET
3) ESA Position Statement on Desiccated Thyroid or Thyroid
Extract Professor Peter R Ebeling MD FRACP, Chair, on behalf of ESA Medical
Affairs Sub-Committee ESA_Position_Statement_Natural_Desiccated_Thyroid_Peter_R_Ebeling
4) Hoang, Thanh D., et al. “Desiccated thyroid extract compared with levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study.” (2013).
Jeffrey R. Garber, MD, FACP, FACE1,2*; Rhoda H. Cobin, MD, FACP, MACE3; Hossein Gharib, MD, MACP, MACE4; James V. Hennessey, MD, FACP2;
Irwin Klein, MD, FACP5; Jeffrey I. Mechanick, MD, FACP, FACE, FACN6; Rachel Pessah-Pollack, MD6,7; Peter A. Singer, MD, FACE8; Kenneth A. Woeber, MD, FRCPE9 for the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American Thyroid Association Taskforce on Hypothyroidism in Adults
“RECOMMENDATION 22.4 There is no evidence to support using desiccated thyroid hormone in preference to L-thyroxine monotherapy in the treatment of hypothyroidism and therefore desiccated thyroid hormone should not be used for the treatment of hypothyroidism.”
6) Jonklaas, Jacqueline, et al. “Guidelines for the treatment of hypothyroidism: prepared by the American Thyroid Association Task Force on Thyroid Hormone Replacement.” Thyroid 24.12 (2014): 1670-1751.
“We recommend that levothyroxine be considered as routine care for patients with primary hypothyroidism, in preference to use of thyroid extracts.”
7) The Surprising Way Hillary Clinton Treats Her Thyroid Condition
by Mary Shomon About Health
8) Presidential Candidate Treated with Natural Desiccated Thyroid by Helle Sydendal
9) Why Hillary Clinton’s Thyroid Needs Healthcare Reform
August 7, 2015 • By Dr. M Sara Rosenthal, Chair of the American Thyroid Association’s Ethics Advisory Committee, member of The Endocrine Society.
10) American Thinker on Hillary Clinton Health Issues
Hillary CLinton 2007 Presidential Race, Courtesy of Federalist Papers.
Hillary Clinton on Cover of Time 1997 Courtesy of Time Magazine.
Image: Hillary Rodham poses in her 1965 senior class portrait from Park Ridge East High School in Illinois. Courtesy of Time Magazine.
Image: Hillary Clinton in High School Year Book 1965 Courtesy of CBS News.
Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road Suite 190
Davie, Fl 33314
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It’s unfortunate that the way the very interesting and positive article above is written appears to suggest that Dr Bardack is doing A Bad Thing by going against accepted clinical wisdom regarding natural dessicated thyroid until one gets to about half way through it – when it is becomes clearer that Dr Dach is making a point which supports Dr Bardack’s approach. Most people don’t read more than the first screenful of information presented to them. I don’t – only I was so puzzled as to why friends with thyroid complaints (as I have myself) were sharing the article when it appeared to be so negative…
Pingback: Hillary Clinton Takes Natural Desiccated Thyroid | Dr Colin Holloway
Hillary takes Armour thyroid – an NDT (as do I). NDT is far, far superior to synthetic T4 mono therapy. I would go as far as to say that synthetics especially Levothyroxine is dangerous toxic junk – at least that was my experience. It made me sick for 2.5 years, with a sudden weight gain of 35lbs in the first three months. The horrible side effects are too numerous to mention here but if you Google Levothyroxine you will find thousands of people enumerating them.
I am sure that Hillary’s doctor is very familiar with this disgusting drug and no way was a presidential candidate going to be prescribed Levothyroxine. Why is it SO difficult for the “little people” to get Amour. It took me 10 years of begging my Endo and I finally had to fire her and get another one to get on Armour – and now I am fit, energetic and healthy.
All I can say is that if it is good enough for Hillary then it is good enough for us!
How much armour do you take?
A person shouldn’t have to wait 10years to take NDT because their doctor’s is useless. I stopped bothering with trying to get it from my doctor and just bought the exact equivalent over the counter, currently using this one http://thyrovanz.com/ It is basically the same as armour but uses cow thyroid, it works the same as pig thyroid. This one I use actually has less fillers than armour too and the cows are from a cleaner production source. when I first started, I used 50mg and each week increased by another 50mg until I found the right dose for me. I reckon about 100mg of this product is approx equivalent to 1 grain of armour. When first trying to get my correct dose I went slightly over and got tremors. I just reduced my dose down by 50mg and found my sweet spot. So glad I found it, works perfectly.
Hi Julieanne,
Are you still taking Thyrovanz? I’m converting from Armour for the same reasons, and wondered how much you are taking and if you are still happy with it.
Hi Amy Yes I am still using Thyrovanz, I love it. I take 400mg per day. I take 300mg in the early morning before food and another 100mg in the afternoon generally away from food. Honestly I wouldn’t be getting out of bed without this product. 400mg is probably a fairly high dose but I think I have some thyroid hormone resistance. Some people do well on just a 100mg I think. It’s very individual. If I was you I would dose according to your hypo symptoms disappearing. If you get any over stimulation just drop back by about 50mg. You will get used to it. Takes a wee while to adjust. But if you feel really crappy and tired and hypo then you need to increase. This is the most common mistake is not taking enough. Have you read up on stop the thyroid madness website ..they have pretty good info.
Thanks for your reply! Actually, I just increased to that exact dosing two days ago and so far, so good. Yes I do follow STTM, she’s been very helpful. I had TT 40 years ago and have always been on Armour (except for the year or so it tanked) but have recently decided it’s being reformulated again since they changed hands, so I’m done. Also, no script needed for Thyrovanz but fortunately I have a dr that will monitor my labs.
Glad to hear it’s working for you too. To be honest I don’t even know why people bother with Armour when you can just get products like this. Possibly people don’t realize it’s basically the same thing. If it works for a person like you without a thyroid gland then it is tells you that its the real deal! I get so fed up with pharma companies messing with their formula’s and putting in so many unnecessary additives and pumping up the price whenever they feel like it for no good reason.
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Great article about natural alternatives for thyroid. But Dr. Bardack is not telling the whole truth about Hillary being fit to run for president.
When Hillary collapsed and went to the hospital, it wasn’t just a fall, it was a stroke. And she’s apparently had multiple strokes.
Additionally, staffers close to Hillary say she’s been diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis).
That’s why Hillary’s close friend and DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz scheduled so few debates this campaign cycle. For the 2008 election, there were 26 Democratic debates. This time, Hillary and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz argued for just *four* debates (eventually settling on six). Hillary can’t stand on her feet for that long, and they care concerned she is going to look tired or unhealthy on TV. That’s why she’s always leaning on the lectern.
I don’t wish her any ill will, she’s had a remarkable career, but it’s time to retire. She’s not well enough to hold office. She should focus on her health, help Bill with the Clinton Foundation, & enjoy her retirement.
And you know this because…….you are the attending physician?
Her administration seems to support Gmo. I am looking for a Gmo free source for desiccated thyroid. gmo fed porcine is what I am concerned about also. Does Dr. Jeffrey Dach or anyone know of a desiccated product that is non Gmo sourced? Can we take desiccated bovine thyroid? I am not a biotechnologist or chemist, but I remember that in regards to hormones, those of pig is more identical to humans than cows or horses. Does that apply to thyroid hormones as well? Because there are definitely sources of non Gmo fed dessicated thyroid. Please help!!!
Hi, I posted below about a product I use from New Zealand cows, so not porcine but it is definitely GMO free, grassfed and BSE free. I’ve used both porcine and bovine thyroid before and I know they say porcine is closer to human but I haven’t had any problem with bovine at all, seems very stable. Hope that helps. The product I use is Thyrovanz –see my comment below.
I take a compounded desiccated thyroid medication because I can not take synthetic. My insurance does not pay for my medicine! Do you think anyone would chose desiccated and pay out of pocket if they could take synthetic.? This discussion of what is good for one is good for all is insane.
Here’s an article about Thanh D. Hoang, DO, staff endocrinologist of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. research comparing desiccated thyroid extract (DTE) or levothyroxine for 16 weeks.
Check Out more here: