Forced Vaccination GMO Food Its A Great Country Vaccination GMO Food Its A Great Country

Who Do You Trust?  By Jeffrey Dach MD

I ran across this cartoon graphic by Ben Garrison and just had to share it with you.  Click Here for link to Cartoon. This just about sums up what is happening right now in America.  Could someone please tell me exactly how we find ourselves in this predicament?  Have I been misinformed ?  I thought this was a country governed by the People and for the People?  How did this happen? Are we “Debt Slaves” living in a “Police State”, eating at the trough of GMO Food with Forced Vaccinations at the Rear !

Linked image courtesy of Ben Garrison  Citizen Cattle, Copyright © 2010-2016 Ben Garrison/

The Anti-Vaccination Movement

Above image: A cartoon from a December 1894 anti-vaccination publication Courtesy of  Atlantic Monthly and The Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia.

The Anti-vaccination Movement dates back to the first vaccines of the 1790’s.  Compulsory vaccination for smallpox in England in the 1800’s was met by a vocal anti-vaccination movement.(5-6)   Here is an 1898 quote from  Alfred Lord Wallace.(5)  Lord Wallace pointed out an inconvenient truth.  Public records revealed greater mortality from the vaccine than from the disease.

“Every day the vaccination laws remain in force parents are being punished, infants are being killed,” wrote Alfred Russel Wallace, a prominent scientist and natural selection theorist, in a vitriolic monograph against mandatory vaccination in 1898. He accused doctors and politicians of pushing for vaccination based on personal interest without being sure that the vaccinations were safe. Wallace cited statistics from a report by the Registrar-General of deaths from vaccination from 1881 to 1895, showing that an average of 52 individuals a year died from cowpox or other complications after vaccination. Wallace pointed to the deaths to assert that vaccination was useless and caused unnecessary deaths.”(5)

Above image: Anti-vaccination Bullitin 1916 courtesy of The Biggest Cover-up Of All Time By circle of mamas – October 4, 2019.

Removing Non-Medical Exemptions – Mandatory Vaccination

There appears to be an orchestrated multi-state effort promoted by the pharmaceutical lobby to have states pass laws to remove non-medical vaccine exemptions, creating “mandatory vaccination”.  Here is what one doctor, Meryl Nass MD in Maine has to say about the issue:

“If the Maine Legislature votes to remove vaccine exemptions, we will lose the opportunity to pick and choose among our children’s vaccines. Absent a medical waiver, if children are to attend school, they will have to be inoculated with every mandated vaccine, no matter how, where, and by whom they are made. Or tested. Or licensed. Do we trust the pharmaceutical industry enough to give up our right to make this choice?” endquote Meryl Nass (8)

The issue raised by Mery Nass MD is the issue of trust.  Can we trust a vaccine maker that has a track record of criminal activity, deception and fraud? Can we trust a vaccine make that is a convicted felon?  In recent years, vaccine companies have paid out over $13 billion to the U.S. Department of Justice to settle criminal and civil violations.(9)  Can we trust a criminal vaccine industry that has no incentive to make a safe product, since they have been granted immunity from civil litigation for product liability, by virtue of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986?

brake-warning-light_psych_meds_0099Flashing Red Warning Light

The Drug is Banned in Another Country

A useful warning indicator telling us we may be dealing with a “bad drug” is the banning of the drug by regulatory agencies of another country.  Such is the case for the combined MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) vaccine shot which was mandatory in Japan from 1989 until banned in 1993 because of high rates of aseptic meningitis caused by the vaccine. (12-14) In 1994 Japan removed all mandatory vaccines and instead made vaccination voluntary, at the discretion of the child’s parents.    A single dose version of the Measles and Rubella vaccines was manufactured and made available for voluntary use.  After the approval of HPV vaccine in 2009,  a high number of adverse reactions prompted the Japan Government to stop recommending the HPV vaccine in 2013.(15)  The elimination of mandatory vaccination in Japan resulted in the healthiest children with the lowest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world.(30)

Vaccine Misinformation or Vaccine Truth ?

Here is the little vaccine information handbook being labeled as “fake science” and “Vaccine misinformation” that “they” (the pro-vaccine authorities and mass media) don’t want you to see:  PEACH brochure  The Vaccine Safety Handbook Published on Nov 30, 2017  Peach Magazine’s Handbook (26)   Read it for yourself before it is scrubbed and censored from the internet.  The reality is that this booklet states the truth, heavily documented in the medical literature.

Dr Paul Thomas and the Vaccine Friendly Plan

Dr Paul Thomas, MD discusses his own studies and other published studies looking at childhood vaccinations:


The Vaccine Friendly Plan by Dr Paul Thomas book on Amazon

Update May 21, 2019: 

Nothing More Than Act of Tyranny of the Highest Order.

Here is Rep. Heidi Sampson Republican District 21 speaking in opposition to proposed Maine legislation banning non-medical  vaccine exemptions. This is partially transcribed from her presentation to the Maine Legislature:

“Any government which uses overt acts to personally injure a person, or that person’s family demonstrates the ultimate betrayal of trust. This is by the very definition, treachery. This act is a violation of the oath each and every one of us took stating we would uphold and honor our state’s constitution and the constitution of the United States. Need I remind us all, the constitution was designed to protect the minority. How dare we strip these people of their rights to protect their person and their families? And to strip them of their rights to a public education, to pursue their dreams here in Maine to live peaceably among their neighbors. And more significantly to strip them of their religious rights And their religious freedoms which, by the way , is the very cornerstone of the foundation this country is built upon. Furthermore, a rigorous condition imposed upon a people, one that is oppressive, harsh and unjust, is nothing more than an act of tyranny. It is tyranny of the highest order….The people will not go way quietly. We poked Momma and Pappa Bear. We have ignited a fire within them and they will fight. They are not paid lobbyists, they are Moms and Pops. Why were they so diligent? They have everything to lose. Are we really prepared to strip away the most fundamental right we as a nation hold dear?  If we strip this right away. What is next?  Stop this madness. we must wake up. Without liberty and rights we as a state are doomed.” end quote Heidi Sampson R.

Smallpox Eradicated by the Smallpox Vaccine ?  

Dr. Suzanne Humphreys reviews the historical record and sets you straight.

Polio vaccine and the Disappearance of Polio?  Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ Chapter on Polio in her book, Dissolving Illusions: Suzanne_humphries_dissolving_illusions_disappearance_polio

Pushback  from Christian Bogner, MD, medical director of Oxford Recovery Centers, Michigan. “Vaccines are a choice not a mandate” guest writer July 31, 2019  Lansing State Journal.

Conclusion: The pro-vaccine vs. anti-vaccine battle has been ongoing for over 120 years. Lately, things are heating up and coming to a boil as the battle between criminal corporations in league with the government against “The People” rages on.  Welcome back to the 19th century.

Articles with Related Interest:

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Measles and Somalis in Minnesota

Financial Kickbacks to Pediatricians is Illegal and Harms Children

HPV Vaccine the Greatest Scandal of Our Time

The Failure of Global Polio Eradication

Mitch Daniels Says Anti-GMO is Immoral

GMO Food Fight From Senate Floor

GMO Food, The Great Scandal

Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road Suite 180
Davie, Florida 33314

References and Links:

1) Above header image courtesy of Ben Garrison  Citizen Cattle, Copyright © 2010-2016 Ben Garrison/

2)  Taking No Prisoners in the Vaccine Culture War.  Posted: 3/13/2019 8:44:49 PM  By Barbara Loe Fisher

3)   March 19, 2019 Real-Life Data Show that the CDC Vaccine Schedule is Causing Harm      Children’s Health Defense Team

4)  “It’s been too long I have stayed silent…”3/6/2019 Updated March 12, 2019*  by Angela Renee, BTSN, RN

5) The Victorian Anti-Vaccination Movement, Today’s anti-vaccination movement is not the first. Riots, pamphlets, and an outcry in 19th-century England set the stage for contemporary misinformation campaigns.
Elizabeth Earl Jul 15, 2015 The Atlantic

A cartoon from a December 1894 anti-vaccination publication Courtesy of The Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

6) History of Anti-vaccination Movements

7) Forced Vaccination is a Crime Against Humanity Tuesday, February 19, 2019  Ralph Fucetola JD

8) Why Americans don’t trust vaccine makers Why Americans don’t trust vaccine makers  BDN Bangor Daily News Maine Meryl Nass of Ellsworth is an internal medicine physician and has testified before six congressional committees, primarily on the anthrax vaccine.

If the Maine Legislature votes to remove vaccine exemptions, we will lose the opportunity to pick and choose among our children’s vaccines. Absent a medical waiver, if children are to attend school, they will have to be inoculated with every mandated vaccine, no matter how, where, and by whom they are made. Or tested. Or licensed. Do we trust the pharmaceutical industry enough to give up our right to make this choice?

9) Big Pharma’s Big Fines by Lena Groeger, ProPublica Feb. 24, 2014
In the last few years pharmaceutical companies have agreed to pay over $13 billion to resolve U.S. Department of Justice allegations of fraud.

10) The Greater Good the Movie this movie has been censored on Amazon: see screen shot below: Title is currently unavailable.

11) Vaxxed the Movie

12) Lancet. Correspondence| Volume 364, ISSUE 9431, P328-329, July 24, 2004.  Why is measles still endemic in Japan? Harumi Gomi Hiroshi Takahashi

13) Ueda K Miyazaki C Hidaka Y Okada K Kusuhara K Kadoya R
Aseptic meningitis caused by measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in Japan.
Lancet. 1995; 346: 701-702

14) Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1996 Jun;38(3):205-11.
Adverse events associated with MMR vaccines in Japan.
Kimura M1, Kuno-Sakai H, Yamazaki S, Yamada A, Hishiyama M, Kamiya H, Ueda K, Murase T, Hirayama M, Oya A, Nozaki S, Murata R.

The largest nationwide active surveillance of four Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccines was conducted in Japan. A total of 1255 pediatricians actively participated in the study, which comprised 8.6% of all members of the Japanese Pediatric Society. The total number of registered recipients of MMR vaccines was 38 203. They were arbitrarily given one of the MMR vaccines produced by three makers (Takeda, Osaka city, Kitasato Minato-ku. Tokyo and Biken Suita city, Japan) or the standard MMR vaccine made of designated strains (Kitasato’s measles-AIK-C, Biken’s mumps-Urabe Am9 and Takeda’s rubella-To336) produced by Takeda, Kitasato and Biken and were observed for 35 days. The rates of virologically confirmed aseptic meningitis per 10,000 recipients were 16.6, 11.6, 3.2 and 0 for the standard MMR, Takeda MMR, Kitasato MMR and Biken MMR vaccines, respectively. The incidence of convulsions between 15 and 35 days was the highest with the standard MMR vaccine and the incidence of fever associated with vomiting occurring between 15 and 35 days (symptoms relevant to aseptic meningitis) were also the highest with the standard MMR vaccine. The incidence of parotid swelling was the lowest with Takeda MMR vaccine. This surveillance revealed that incidences of aseptic meningitis after administration of the standard MMR vaccine and of Biken MMR vaccine were different. This posed questions about the manufacturing consistency of the Urabe Am9 mumps virus vaccines. On the other hand, the National Institute of Health found that the biological characteristics of the Urabe Am9 mumps virus contained in the standard MMR vaccine and in the Biken MMR vaccine were different. The Biken Company reported that the mumps vaccine in the standard MMR vaccine was a mixture of two Urabe Am9 mumps vaccine bulks; one identical to that contained in the Biken MMR vaccine and the other produced by a different manufacturing process.

15) Beppu, H. I. R. O. K. U. N. I., et al. “Lessons learnt in Japan from adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine: a medical ethics perspective.” Indian J Med Ethics 2 (2017): 82-88. Lessons learnt in Japan adverse reactions to HPV vaccine medical ethics Beppu Indian j med ethics 2017

26) PEACH brochure  The Vaccine Safety Handbook A4
Published on Nov 30, 2017  Peach Magazine’s Handbook

27) Physicians for Informed Consent Measles Fact Sheet
Education: Measles. Assess the risks of measles compared to the risks of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.

28) ICAN Decide White Papers  
THE VACCINE SAFETY WHITE PAPER  Introduction to vaccine safety and policy in the united states, white paper that goes through many of the shortcomings and failures of the vaccine safety program.

29) Case Documents Requesting Injunction Overturning Mandatory Vaccination Order Dept Health in NYC.

30) Japan Leads the Way: No Vaccine Mandates and No MMR Vaccine = Healthier Children  By Kristina Kristen Children’s Health Defense April 25, 2019

31) The Lies of Vaccination Broken Down For Parents by Jason Christoff

32)  Opinion: CA Mandatory Vaccination Will Actually Harm Public Health  by Dr. Grant Medefind in Healthcare Jun 6, 2019

33) How Public Vaccine Policy Violates Our Right to Informed Consent by Jeremy R. Hammond | Apr 27, 2019

34) The Dark Side of Vaccines The Less Publicized Story of Vaccine Safety and Efficacy  by Luke Yamaguchi

Last updated on by Jeffrey Dach MD

Forced Vaccination GMO Food Its A Great Country
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