Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Caused by H. Pylori Infection

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Caused by H. Pylori Infection A 54 year old optometrist and mother of three arrived in my office complaining of fatigue, anemia, hypertension, hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia. Her previous doctor had made the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s … Continue reading

Myo-Inositol for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Myo-Inositol for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Mary has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, with elevated TSH of 10.2 and TPO antibody greater than 900. Free T3 and Free T4 levels are normal. Mary’s primary care doctor prescribed a small dose of NP thyroid, 15 mg … Continue reading

Unexplained Infertility Linked to Low Thyroid Function

Unexplained Infertility Linked to Low Thyroid Function by Jeffrey Dach MD A new study in Endocrinology, found that women with unexplained infertility had higher TSH levels than aged matched controls, indicating lower thyroid function may be responsible.   Nearly twice as … Continue reading

Online Information for Hashimotos Thyroid Disease

Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Manic Depression, Psychosis and Psychiatric Manifestations

Online Information for Hashimotos Thyroid Disease Susan has Hashimotos’ thyroid disease, and has been online gathering information and learning as much as she can.  However, Susan is bewildered by the amount of contradictory and conflicting information, and is asking me … Continue reading

Iodine at the Health Food Store by Jeffrey Dach MD

Iodine at the Health Food Store by Jeffrey Dach MD Japanese Reactor Accident and Radiation Leak In the aftermath of the Japanese Earthquake and Reactor Accident, reports of radiation leakage has spurred interest and demand for Iodine tablets as a preventive agent.   Iodine tablets … Continue reading

Myo-Inositol for PCOS and Hashimotos

Myo-Inositol for PCOS and Hashimotos by Jeffrey Dach MD Link to this article My previous article covered the beneficial effect of selenium in Hashimoto’s patients, with a decline in antibody levels seen in four controlled studies in the endocrinology literature.  … Continue reading