Cracking Cancer Toolkit Slide Presentation by
Jeffrey Dach MD
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease
The Power Point slides are available for download by clicking on this link:
Talk One: Introduction to Cracking Cancer Toolkit:
June 19, 2020 Talk ONE Cracking Cancer Toolkit Slides June 19 Jeffrey Dach Mitch Ghen 2021 AA2
Talk Two July 17, 2021 : Cancer as a Parasitic Disease:Cancer as Parasitic Disease Jeffrey Dach MD July 17 2021 Q1_Short
(all slides are Copyright 2021 Jeffrey Dach MD)
The following are the Zoom Recordings of FIRST TALK:
Introduction to Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, Cracking Cancer Toolkit Part One
Introduction to Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, Cracking Cancer Toolkit Part Two
(Copyright 2021 Jeffrey Dach MD)
Cracking Cancer Toolkit by Jeffrey Dach MD
If you liked this article, you might like my new book, Cracking Cancer Toolkit. (see left image)
Link to join our Facebook Group for Cracking Cancer Toolkit book.
Jeffrey Dach MD
7450 Griffin Road Suite 180/190
Davie, Fla 33314

Hi jeffrey, I am an Internist. Your book is wonderful! Do you think the drug you mentiion should be used at the maximun dosage? How do you use them?
Hi Andrea,
thanks for your comment.
You might want to join the Facebook Group for the book, as those questions are discussed there.
Also please leave an Amazon Review for the book. That would be greatly appreciated.
Dr D
Dr. Dach,
Any thoughts on the utilization of aspirin to inhibit Wnt signaling as well as COX-2?
Theres quite a bit of studies associating aspirin with decreased risk of multiple cancers.
Also, any thoughts on dietary manipulation of fatty acid ratios to alter mitochondrial membrane saturation, increase resistance to ROS, and possibly deplete/ alter inflammatory mediator pool?
Thanks for your time Doc.
-Mike Fave