UK Parliament, Martin, Malone, Cory Dec 4, 2023

UK Parliament Testimony Andrew Bridgen’s Meeting Dec 4, 2023

David Martin UK Parliament Dec 4, 2023

Dr. Robert Malone UK Parliament Meeting December 4, 2023

Pierre Kory, UK Parliament Meeting December 4, 2023
The Disinformation Playbook
How Business Interests Deceive, Misinform, and Buy Influence at the Expense of Public Health and Safety Published Oct 10, 2017 Updated May 18, 2018
The disinformation Playbook Union of concerned scientists The Fake, The Blitz, The Diversion, The Screen, The Fix

Header image courtesy of wikimedia commons.


Jeffrey Dach MD


1)     UK Parliament Testimony Videos From MP Andrew Bridgen’s Historic Meeting Dec 4, 2023- Martin, Kory, Malone, by Dr Pierre Cory Substack

His talk showed with such easily comprehensible clarity that the concept of a mass coronavirus vaccination strategy was divorced from basic immunological principles – something many of us had been saying from the outset (plus knowing that no vaccine for corona had ever been shown to be safe – the previous ones all led to worse outcomes via antibody dependent enhancement).

David Martin UK Parliament Dec 4, 2023

The last four years has merely been an orchestration to assault the liberties in theis country and around the world, pretending that this is some kind of public health emergency,pretending this is a justification for the inconceivable threat to liberties, and the violation of human rights, is actually nothing more than lip service to science.

The evidence starts in the UK in 1966 by the Wellcome fund as the preferred form of human manipulation in 1966. One year later the US and UK made an agreement that said we were going to modify and manipulate corona virus to see what can be done to infect, “the healthy population”. That was 1967, the year I was born.

This slow moving train wreck that we call operation warp speed only took 56 short years .

In 2011, an anti-trust collusion between the Welcome trust and the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, NIAID, and the Chinese Center for Disease Control annd Prevention got together and established a mandate that said that by 2020 the world would accept “a universal vaccine”

Look at this statement by Peter Daszak National Academy of Sciences March 2015: “A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to oour advantage to get to real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” Does that sound like a public health emergency to you? Or does that sound like a statement of treason? That is an act of international and domestic terorism, and that is the admission of that act.

In a few short days we will have Dr Peter Daszak testify in Congress that this thing was a random wvent that came out of Wuhan China, were a bat and a pangolin got together, and voila, we were there.

TRhat quote by Peter Daszak National Academy of Sciences March 2015 is conspiracy level language. I am using the legal definition of the term. This is the admission of conspiracy to committ act of terror.

One year later, 2016, it was announced the Human Wuhan-1 virus was “poised for human emergence.”

In 2002, the first patent was filed on the chimeric corona virus, patented to be infectious and replication defective, in other words it was actually weaponized. That is not an allegation.

That is a statement of fact, because in 2005, on the CV of Ralph Baric, it says “Synthetic Corona Viruses.Bio-hacking: Biological Warfare Enabling Technologies” . Does that sound like a public health response? Or is there an outside chance the reason why he unleashed 10 million dollars that year, and every other year, in non-competitive grants, from all the above referenced agencies. Is there any chance, they were actually building biological weapons?

I happen to have the credentials in the US since 2002, of being a biological weapons inspector. I know of what I speak. I briefed this matter first in 2002, and consistently ever since.

In September 18, 2019, we actually had the WHO, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board announced that there was going to be, in the time between sept 2019 and sept 2020, an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen. There is an operative word in there tht is quite alarming, the wrod “release”. That is not a leak. That is not an accidental escape.

This criminal conspiracy must be criminally prosecuted in this country is the racketeering, the WHO collusion with Wellcome Trust since the MRC in this country was founded. ANd in the US the Rockefeller foundation which funded the CDC, the malaria prevention program.

We must deal with the fact that this anti-trust collusion started in 1955. There is statute of limitations on these crimes. Criminal Collusion of the Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust and Rockefeller Foundation can be prosrcuted for these crimes at the time they were committed. It was fraud then, it is fraud now resulting in the murder of civilisation around the world.

Eliza Manningham was head of the board of Trustees of Wellcome trust was also the head of MI-5, was th eone who sat at the helm of COVID when the September 19th launch of this campaign began.

You cannot escape the fact that MI-5 was directly involved in teh premeditation, and distribution of this particular campaign of terror.

I know that as an American, it is probably a bad idea for me to say that to this audience, and I could care less. The fact of tha matter is criminals exist in every strata of this government, and we need to be able to point that out.

Lets stop pretending that we have to ask the question: WHY? That is a nonsense question. In the 1980’s we conveniently had the HIV pandemic so we could justify the national vaccine immunity shield that was granted to the injection manufacturers at the time . Becasue the fact of the matter was the public was willing to go along with it Because they all knew AIDS was coming for them. We tried to get that immunity long before. But once we had the HIV scare, we could get the public to go along with immunity for vaccine manufacturerer, we know we are going to need it.

September of 2001, we all pretend to know what happened with the towers on the 11th, but we all forget what happened on the 28Th , which is when the defense department from their bio-weapons program released anthrax, and 4 short years later we had the PREP act. WHY? Because on 1991 we were killing people with anthrax vaccines in the GULF, and we needed to come up with a way to get the Adult Provisions for protection into the adult injections, because the childhood act didnt give them the cover that they needed. The PREP act gives us corporatae immunity.

So guess what SARS is? Nothing more than the 4 year later, see a pattern? ,preamble to the WHO IHR (International Health Regulations).
Dont pretend that you dont know. This was a set-up from the beginning to the end, and ladies and gentlement. This is all a marketing cover story to deprive me of liberty, and I am here to make sure that as long as I draw breath, I am fighting the impact.


Dr. Robert Malone UK Parliament Meeting December 4, 2023

Let us all disclose the data !!!
700 to 1,000 peer reviewed studies show a series of adverse effects , myocarditis, reproductive health damage in women, mentriual cycle damage, coagulopathy including stroike and blood clotting, damage to peripheral , ocular and centril nervous system, immunologic harms, and death.

What we have here is a rushed product, a rushed technology, a failure to provide respect for humans, in not allowing them to have informed consent, and furthermore, actively deploying, the most massive proaganda campaign in the history of the medern world to suppress the ability of the public to gain access, merely to have the knowledge
of what the adverse event risks are. I come to you with one request: Let us see the data.


Pierre Kory, UK Parliament Meeting December 4, 2023
The Disinformation Playbook
How Business Interests Deceive, Misinform, and Buy Influence at the Expense of Public Health and Safety Published Oct 10, 2017 Updated May 18, 2018
The disinformation Playbook Union of concerned scientists The Fake, The Blitz, The Diversion, The Screen, The Fix


Published on by Jeffrey Dach MD

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