Newsweek Attacks Oprah Winfrey Advocate of Bioidentical Hormones

oprah_crazytalk_newsweek_Bioidentical_HormonesNewsweek Attacks Oprah Winfrey Advocate of Bioidentical Hormones  by Jeffrey Dach MD

Oprah Winfrey advocates Natural Medicine and Bioidentical Hormones in direct competition to the interests of the Pharmaceutical Industry that makes synthetic hormones.  Newsweek is merely an attack dog for the drug industry. A typical issue of Newsweek magazine contains $2 million in pharma ads, For More Click Here.

Last updated on by Jeffrey Dach MD

Newsweek Attacks Oprah Winfrey Advocate of Bioidentical Hormones
Article Name
Newsweek Attacks Oprah Winfrey Advocate of Bioidentical Hormones
Oprah Winfrey advocates Natural Medicine and Bioidentical Hormones in direct competition to the interests of the Pharmaceutical Industry that makes synthetic hormones.
Jeffrey Dach MD
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