Jeffrey Dach Transition to Natural Medicine Practice

jeffrey_dach md3Thanks to Dr. Craig Gustafson and Editor in Chief  Andrew W. Campbell, MD of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine for publishing this interview with me, in the September 5 Edition,

“Jeffrey Dach, MD: The Transition to a Natural Medicine Practice Interview by Craig Gustafson”.

Click Here to read the interview: Jeffrey_Dach_Transition_Natural_Medicine_athm_2014


Last updated on by Jeffrey Dach MD

Jeffrey Dach Transition to Natural Medicine Practice
Article Name
Jeffrey Dach Transition to Natural Medicine Practice
Thanks to Dr. Craig Gustafson and Editor in Chief  Andrew W. Campbell, MD of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine for publishing this interview with me, in the September 5 Edition
Jeffrey Dach MD
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4 thoughts on “Jeffrey Dach Transition to Natural Medicine Practice

  1. Great interview in Alternative Therapies, Jeffrey. Fitting since you are a thought leader in online medical blogging and positioning. I can only dream of ever being able to obtain 10% of your success.

    Getting addicted to your posts. Keep ’em coming!

    Dan Purser MD
    Author/Researcher/Product Developing

  2. Pingback: Remembering Interventional Radiology Days - Jeffrey Dach MD

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